Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

Sales Development Representative

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Development Representative chez AB TASTY

Paris (75) We are looking for driven professionals with natural sales instincts to join our business development team in France. You will gain experience interacting with prospective clients of all levels and in a variety of industries. AB Tasty offers a fast-paced, innovative environment where you will be able to accelerate your career, grow your skills and explore new opportunities in the digital space. Ideal candidates should be eager to advance through a learning and earning path, as well as to help scale a successful start-up in the french market.

This is a high-energy, new business development role with a focus on finding potential clients across France perimeter. You will take part in AB Tasty's hyper-growth by helping us acquire new customers.

Working alongside our team in Paris your tasks will be:

Ideal candidates should possess the following knowledge and experience: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience A minimum of 1 year of experience in a sales environment Ability to take initiative Strong self-starter personality, not afraid of being tenacious and resilient Strong interest in new technologies and desire to be in technology sales Experience with digital marketing and/or web analytics tools Comfortable with working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment

What you will do

Partnering with Business Development Managers to help fill their sales pipelines and develop your skills Researching and building new accounts (i.e. adding contacts, sending personalized e-mails, cold calling) Creating and prioritizing strategic target account lists Qualifying and following up with new accounts by using our lead scoring system Generating new business opportunities to fuel AB Tasty's growth Creating a great first impression to our prospects by providing them with a world-class experience and thinking of innovative ways to approach them Achieving monthly quotas of qualified new business opportunities

What we are looking for

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience A minimum of 2 year of experience in a sales environment Ability to take initiative Strong self-starter personality, not afraid of being tenacious and resilient Strong interest in new technologies and desire to be in technology sales Experience with digital marketing and/or web analytics tools Comfortable with working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment
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Sales Development Representative
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