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CDI - Marketing-as-a-Service Sales Capture Senior Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - Marketing-as-a-Service Sales Capture Senior Manager H/F chez Accenture

The role will be a key player in driving the continued expansion of one of Accenture’s most fast growing offerings: digital marketing services provided to large scale marketing enterprise among the Global 200 and key target accounts in the _____ geography. We are seeking a strong, experienced sales professional who can develop relationships, create strong value propositions for clients, and see deal through from inception to signature.

The focus will be lead the client engagement and sale process for digital marketing opportunities from point of origination and sales pursuit to close using deep sales process and expertise of the digital marketing capabilities. The specific digital services suites includes all the “end to end” activities to executing marketing online, from analytics, campaign management, content, social media monitoring and SEO and SEM. The job includes developing relationships with key buyers and decision- maketers at new and/or existing clients; protect and grow the business. This role collaborates with a variety of specialists within Accenture including solution teams to help develop custom programs, negotiating pricing and contracting agreements, and client teams who drive the overall client relationship..

The successful candidate will have at least 10 years of experience working as a digital account director for a large sized digital agency, marketing services provider (like an Epsilon or Ignition One), or marketing BPO provider. Proficiency in digital marketing tactics, operations and strategy, with focus on campaign, content, search & analytics; social media also desirable.. Excellent client management skills, with the ability to work in a fast paced environment, managing stakeholders in multiple geographies, both on onshore and offshore. Excellent spoken and written language skills in English (mandatory).

Key Responsibilities:

Develop relationships with key buyers, influencers and decision-makers for marketing services at new and/or existing clients – this can include but are not limited to stakeholders in marketing, procurement, IT, global operations, and shared service structures.

Effectively engage with the C-suite to maintain their continued support of the Accenture proposition Effectively develop internal relationships and create awareness of the Marketing-as-a-Service / marketing BPS offering with key account executives and stakeholders and support the translation into tailored value propositions specific for individual clients. Work with key account teams to influence client’s selection process and evaluation criteria Work together with solution, delivery and sales teams - facilitating the solution and value proposition shaping process to ensure differentiation and value in our offering to the client. Facilitate the negotiations and closing activities Manage successful transition of the opportunity to the delivery team Support efforts and/or gain client agreement for press releases, use of references, etc. Manage the opportunity from sales pursuit to close Establish qualification and win strategy and power map Coordinate internal approvals and sales team resources; manage solution/proposition develop client interactions and relevant client demonstrations, etc. Ensure a competitive advantage is created and maintained May supervise or manage other Sales Capture Leads or other sales team members
Cpf final 4

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CDI - Marketing-as-a-Service Sales Capture Senior Manager H/F
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