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Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C - Secteur CMT (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C - Secteur CMT (H/F) chez Accenture

Focus of the role: Accenture is seeking a Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C for France to contribute to the Network profitable sales growth and typically act as deal shaper, negotiator and/or bid manager lead. S/he will be expected to sell Network projects for major Telecommunications operators across the France. The Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C originate and sell value-led transformation programs, delivering change and value for the business through new industry capabilities and technology solutions at our clients: The Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C will originate and sell solutions based on deep industry insight and relationships integrating the breadth of the Accenture’s services. S/he will build durable relationships with clients, displays deep sales acumen and has excellent communications skills. S/he will drive Business Development and will bring telecom experience to the market in designing and successfully leading transformations in the Telecommunications space. S/he will bring a strong understanding of innovative approaches (e.g. Software Defined Networks) as well as tools, methodologies, organizational set-ups to successfully lead programs. Key Responsibilities: The candidate will work on commercial strategies and technical solutions in the B2X area and 5G, with specific focus on B2B to build our client new digital services portfolio leveraging Software Defined Solution (i.e. SDWAN, IoT, Hybrid Cloud solution...). Knowledge of solution in the B2B space and knowledge of European Telcos stakeholders are a plus.
The Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C should possess the following attributes: 6-7 years of relevant, hands-on experience in the CSP industry either in service provider, network vendor or consulting/system integration companies Experience working on telco services strategy, digital services for enterprise and consumers, operating model / organizational re-design and/or operational improvement projects. Good Knowledge about Software Defined Services and solution (SDWAN, IoT/M2M, 5G) and Network Virtualization (NFV/SDN) and Automation technologies. Excellent communication skills in both the French as the English language (the position is located in Paris). Are you interested? Are your ready to join Accenture and change the world around you? Apply online or send your resume and cover letter to Meriem CHAIB via Innovation is about bringing different people, ideas and perspectives together. As an equal opportunities employer, Accenture welcomes all applications and does not discriminate. About us Accenture solves the toughest technological challenges through standout strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Working with over three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, we drive innovation and shape world around us. With expertise in more than 40 industries and all business functions, we deliver ground- breaking outcomes for a new digital world
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Manager Sales Network B2B-B2C - Secteur CMT (H/F)
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