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Sales Pursuit Marketing Lead - Europe/Latin America H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Pursuit Marketing Lead - Europe/Latin America H/F chez Accenture

Paris (75) About Our Team: We are a team of professional marketers focused exclusively on helping Accenture’s business teams win more work. We do this by applying innovative, differentiating strategies and creative tactics designed to capture the client’s imagination. We create experiences designed to help client stakeholders imagine the art of the possible, and to envision Accenture as being the partner to help them achieve their goals.
This Role: The individual will lead a cross-industry team of sales pursuit marketers responsible for creating differentiated messaging and innovative assets for multiple, complex sales opportunities across clients in Europe and Latin America. Committed to blending marketing strategies with extraordinary client experiences, the Sales Pursuit Marketing Lead will bring a high level of creativity and innovation to every sales opportunity, anchored in a tailored marketing strategy that aligns with the business and client objectives.
In addition to leadership responsibilities, the individual will lead the marketing efforts for some of Accenture’s most important deals across Europe and Latin America. The individual will work closely with sales and industry leads to identify Accenture’s competitive positioning, win themes, and overarching messaging for both sole source and competitive opportunities. This individual will excel at marketing strategy, storytelling, making the complex simple, and finding creative channels that will sell Accenture’s differentiators.
Responsibilities include: Set the strategy and prioritization for pursuit marketing across Europe and Latin America Coach and lead teams creating and executing pursuit based marketing strategies and outcomes Lead the marketing strategy, messaging, and creative marketing solutioning for some of Accenture’s most important deals including: o Facilitate messaging sessions with sales teams o Take the complex and make it simple, creating client-focused messages that drive differentiation o Create compelling stories that bring together the clients’ challenge, industry context, Accenture recommendation, and client value proposition into an easily understood and memorable narration o Position Accenture in the New and develop/implement creative ways to tell the Accenture story Position Accenture in the “new”…in ways that surprise our clients Oversee workflow processes for Accenture Marketers and agency partners delivering pursuit based marketing Develop and deliver training to global pursuit based marketing team to build teams’ skills Track and manage to an established set of Key Performance Indicators Track, manage, and collaborate with internal and external agency partners to deliver Directly manage a team of eight marketers and indirectly manage a team of digital marketers, program managers, and creative partners dedicated to pursuit marketing.
Professional Skill Requirements:
Marketing Proven experience in a B2B sales and marketing environment Proven experience in storytelling Proven experience in Marketing strategy development and planning Proven experience in message and sales campaign development Strong written, content development and oral communication skills Ability to develop and apply creative and innovative solutions to complex issues Leadership Ability to present and sell an idea to both internal and external audiences Ability to influence highest levels of leadership within Accenture’s large, matrixed organization through relationship building and strong executive-level presence Ability to generate ideas and quickly pivot to execution Proven ability to motivate, manage and optimize in a high-paced, virtual, collaborative and team-oriented environment wit Business Operations Resourceful and able to move forward with ambiguity Ability to multi-task and work quickly and effectively under pressure Strong project management, budget management and financial reporting skills Ability to negotiate, mediate and manage conflicts to resolve complex or disputed issues Ability to manage projects under tight deadline Ability to deliver projects on time, on budget, including managing multiple third party agencies
Cpf final 4

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Sales Pursuit Marketing Lead - Europe/Latin America H/F
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