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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager chez AccorHotels

In a context of continuous evolution of AccorHotels loyalty program and the optimization of partnership performance, the international Business Development & Loyalty Team is looking for an experienced Account Manager. The role is critical to ensure global partnership performance with rigorous operational planning, active cross-functional / cross-regional collaboration and creative marketing planning. The Account Manager acts as the main point of contact with its dedicated portfolio of partners and provides support to the Business Development & Partnership Team to achieve financial revenue target and customers’ engagement and activation KPIS and even outperformed them.

This roles includes the following accountabilities:
Optimize partnership financial performance as being accountable for achieving revenue targets, and customers’ engagement & activation results of its partners portfolio and increase shareholders return on investment Develop and lead partner relationship management. Motivate partners to provide premium and efficient marketing exposure to boost partnerships revenue. Definition and delivery of best-in-class customer journey : end-to-end customer journey definition on all touchpoints with each partner, definition of operational, customer service and IT processes, supervision of Front-end and back-end IT integration into systems and continuous improvement of customer value proposition and customer service quality Definition and activation of marketing plan through all channels (online and offline) and usage of all marketing tools : benchmarking, data analytics, customer personalized targeted offer, campaign management (creation/integration) and web publishing Production and analysis of Global & Regional Performance Reports & Dashboards to ensure targets delivery Definition and follow-up of Global Account Management Plans (marketing, contract management…) with regional teams and progress monitoring Marketing budget definition and monitoring Participation to the Business Development team effort to improve the management of customer and partnership data such as financial and performance reporting, marketing activities reporting and partnership activity reports (memo, brief,..) Working across functional business units to ensure compliance with accounting, financial, internal control rules and processes and flawless execution of the action plans
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Account Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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