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Contenu de l'offre Inside Sales Specialist chez Advantech

Paris (75)




Job Function:



Job Type:


Job Description:

Together with your colleagues you combine ecommerce and outbound inside sales. The development of the region, but also potential Key Accounts is in safe hands with you. Without eSales, we lose close touch with the market.

You are the main contact window for e-commerce customers and prospects by phone, e-mail or online chat. You manage existing accounts, but the focus is to follow up on new business. In this way, you create and monitor the potential future key accounts. By working together with colleagues from technical support, marketing and field sales, you make sure your customers are being served in the best possible way.

As a typical sales person, you make quotations, prepare negotiations and build up a relationship with your frequent customers.

Years of Experience:


Educational Level:



Sales is your middle name. In the perfect world you have a combined 1+ years experience in (inside) B2B sales, marketing and e-commerce. You would have technical knowledge on automation technology and the technical insights to give advice on our products. However, we know we don’t live in a perfect world. We would invite you to apply if you tick the majority of the boxes. Are you an inside salesperson with affinity for the field of industrial automation? Have you been in direct marketing for an automation-based company and would you like to move towards sales? Do you have sound experience in solution selling? Please do apply!

Let’s call out some terms we hope you feel familiar with. Outgoing, dynamic, team player, well-motivated, creative skills, growth mindset, businesslike, goal oriented. Are we getting warm yet? Fluency in French and English is mandatory; any other language is considered a plus. If you know your way around CRM like Siebel or Salesforce, that would be a plus as well.

The role of e-Sales Specialist is one with growth potential. A very experienced eSales specialist can get the opportunities to evolve within the organization into many different positions. Marketing, field sales or product management are just a few examples of roles for you to grow in.

However, the position of e-Sales itself offers a bright future as well. Even high-tech sales is moving more and more towards e-commerce, we expect to find new challenges in this role every day. We encourage own initiative and ownership at Advantech, so we’d like to see how you change our world!

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