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MarketPlace eMarketing & Business Development Manager

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Contenu de l'offre MarketPlace eMarketing & Business Development Manager chez ALSTOM

The future of transportation is already here.
Alstom, with recorded sales of 7.3 billion in the 2016/17 fiscal year, is the world leader in integrated transport systems and continues to push the boundaries of innovation & digital solutions for transportation systems and e-mobility. We are at the forefront of providing sustainable modes of transport with the largest range of rail solutions in the market. Headquartered in France, we are present in over 60 countries and today employ 32,800 people worldwide.
For more information, please visit:

eMarketing & Business Development Manager, Alstom France - St Ouen

Reporting to Market Place Managing Director this role will be in charge of the business growth of the market place through the following activities:

Meet sales objectives by ensuring the MP utilization by buyers Buyer enrolment Ensure buyer’s adherence of the MP (conversion rate, average basket, monthly volume…) Ensure customer relationship Accountable for operational excellence improvement over time and monitoring (CRM and Call Center)

Main Responsibilities of the role includes :

Ensure Market Place marketing and buyer enrolment Maintain customer relationship and organize customer visit to support their onboarding and business development Manage digital marketing channels (SEO, SEM, Social, and Email) to achieve sales goals As the Customer voice within the company, consolidate and specify the future needs for the buyers Manage the Market Place operational performance: Follow performance KPI on weekly/monthly basis to reach business targets. Manage online customer shopping experience Implement Customer Support processes: hotline, ticketing, Define action plan to increase the conversion rate Develop and manage the Customer eService team to follow Market Place development


Education: Engineer or Business school degree

Languages: English, other european languages is a plus (Spanish, German, French)

Mandatory experiences:

International E-commerce Business Development in the Parts/Industrial market Operational management Transportation industry Minimum 5 years of experience in business development in international environment


Technical Competencies

B2C and B2B e-marketing methods Customer services operation (CRM, hot line) Market place operation

Soft Skills

Significant experience in team management Leadership skills

Alstom is committed to create a diverse & international working environment, that reflects the future of our industry, our clients and end-users. As an employee, you will have a unique opportunity to continue to build your career and directly contribute to the expanding growth of the global transport industry

Job Segment: Business Development, Marketing Manager, Manager, CRM, Sales, Marketing, Management, Technology

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MarketPlace eMarketing & Business Development Manager
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