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Sales Account Executive bilingual english

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Account Executive bilingual english chez appvizer

Montpellier (34)

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appvizer est le 1er site web en Europe dédié aux logiciels professionnels.

Sa mission : accompagner les professionnels à trouver les logiciels qui les rendront plus compétitifs et qui leur permettront de travailler plus agréablement au quotidien.

Qu’ils soient entrepreneur, manager, collaborateur dans l’entreprise, indépendant ou profession libérale, appvizer s’adresse à tous les professionnels, principalement en Europe mais aussi aux Etats-Unis et en Amérique Latine.

Sa spécificité : adapter ses contenus à ses utilisateurs pour répondre au plus juste à leurs besoins et usages. Comment ?

En localisant son catalogue de plus de 10 000 logiciels, enrichi en permanence par son équipe de veille, aux besoins spécifiques de chaque pays. En apportant des solutions concrètes au travers d’articles et de vidéos aux problématiques professionnelles que rencontrent ses utilisateurs au quotidien.

Description du poste

Key Responsibilities

Join a 4-member Sales team as an English native-speaking or bilingual Sales Account Executive.

You will develop a customer portfolio in English-speaking countries.

Your main responsibilities include:

Turning the Sales Development Representative’s (SDR) opportunities into customers.

Building customer loyalty by assuring and measuring the campaigns’ performances.

Being proactive and suggesting improved sales techniques and account management strategies.

You will be part of a dynamic and enthusiastic team in a challenging, stimulating and agile work environment where the well-being of each employee is valued.

Disciplined, well-organized and creative, your mind is full of new ideas you love to share and discuss with the entire team. You are drawn to the challenges of a fast-growing company that has already received the French Tech Pass label twice, and you are interested in web marketing and tomorrow's digital solutions.

If you are eager to learn from others in an international context, ambitious but also humble: join us! Adventures create connections.

Salary and Benefits

Gross annual salary from €35K to €45K according to profile and experience Great health insurance policy with a 50% coverage for you and your family Restaurant vouchers of €10 per working day paid at 50% Holiday bonus Flexible working hours and 6 weeks of paid leave Remote working allowed up to 2 days a week 100% coverage of an annual subscription for public transportation

Working conditions

appvizer provides ideal working conditions:

A bright and team-building-friendly workspace An ergonomic sit & stand workstation Coffee, tea, herbal teas and fruits at will Relaxing areas

Profil recherché

You have at least 2 years of sales experience in a similar position.

You have experience in one or more of the activities below that will be part of your daily life at appvizer.


Prospect new software vendors through phone, email and social network channels. Participate in trade shows and events to promote appvizer. Motivate and train SDRs in prospecting, active discovery and objection handling.

Sales and Account management

Arrange meetings to demonstrate the benefits of appvizer to software vendors. Give advice to prospects and clients on campaigns in line with their marketing objectives. Write, have commercial proposals validated, and handle sales administration. Stay up-to-date with the evolution of accounts to give them the best advice.

Reporting and coordination

Plan campaigns so that the customer and internal departments execute action plans. Enter calls, reminders and other actions with accounts in the CRM. Assist sales representatives in prospecting choices in line with objectives.

Process and Training

Motivate, coach and train SDRs to set up qualified meetings. Be a driving force in giving suggestions to improve software and means available. Learn the best practices in account management and solve business problems. Participate in the business strategy and improve its implementation.

Hard skills and soft skills

In terms of the duties and responsibilities of the position, these skills are mandatory:

Perfect command of written and spoken English Knowledge of sales techniques Excellent writing and interpersonal skills Organization and compliance with procedures

These skills and attitudes are also appreciated:

Autonomy Rigor & Precision Pugnacity Empathy

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Sales Account Executive bilingual english
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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