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Technical Account Manager, Agencies

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Contenu de l'offre Technical Account Manager, Agencies chez AT&T

Paris (75)


About the job

Work closely with Xandr buy side clients to help them execute their programmatic campaigns Work with commercial Account Management to grow existing business through demonstrated effectiveness and high return on digital advertising dollars Build a deep familiarity with our clients’ businesses, strategies, and media-buying goals Consistently monitor and analyse in-flight campaigns to ensure full delivery and performance expectations are met or exceeded Combine data analysis and client feedback to create optimisation strategies and provide solutions for campaigns Thoughtfully and carefully design new tactics, testing and recommending them at scale as they are proven Understand our clients’ inventory policies, approval policies, and any other important media-buying controls when providing recommendations Develop extensive expertise in digital media buying, applying your expertise to improve best practice documentation and help new team members get up to speed Effectively communicate buying strategies, testing and outcomes, and new opportunities to internal and external stakeholders through strong “storytelling” and data-driven analysis Tenaciously troubleshoot delivery issues and provide clear, constructive feedback to our Product Management team on opportunities to make our products more efficient and effective


About your skills and experience

Must have:
Ability to self-manage, juggle multiple priorities, and pay strong attention to details Excellent written and verbal communication skills Proven ability to work with and influence cross-functional teams Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Science, Technology or Engineering field Fluent in Italian and English
2-3 years of professional experience Deep knowledge of digital media buying and/or hands-on experience using programmatic buying platforms Ability to evaluate, process and visualize large datasets using SQL, R, and/or visualization tools such as Tableau and PowerBI
More about you

You are passionate about a culture of learning and teaching. You love challenging yourself to constantly improve, and sharing your knowledge to empower others You like to take risks when looking for novel solutions to complex problems. If faced with roadblocks, you continue to reach higher to make greatness happen You care about solving big, systemic problems. You look beyond the surface to understand root causes so that you can build long-term solutions for the whole ecosystem You believe in not only serving customers, but also empowering them by providing knowledge and tools You employ a methodical and consistent approach to solving problems that require a deep attention to detail.
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Technical Account Manager, Agencies
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