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Customer Service Agent, Pre-Sales

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Contenu de l'offre Customer Service Agent, Pre-Sales chez Autobiz

As part of its current expansion, autobiz is recruiting a Customer Service Agent.

autobiz is seeking ambitious candidates who want be part of a rapidly expanding company in the digital and big data sector.

The Customer Service Agent will join the B2C department and work in tandem with the sales teams of our professional clients to meet the needs of private parties who want to sell their car online.

Founded in 2004, autobiz is an innovative start-up and leader in automotive valuation. Its know-how in big-data analysis has led it to develop a range of solutions to assist professionals worldwide in used-car sales, rental and insurance. The company is also a pioneer in the car-buying business through its site, which is also available in Spain and Italy.

Based in Suresnes (just outside Paris), autobiz also has offices in Berlin, Valencia, and Milan. As a member of the BPI Excellence network, the company invests 15% of its annual revenue into R&D. In particular, the company works with a statistics and modeling research center at the Sorbonne to develop forecasting programs related to automotive transactions.

In early 2017, the PSA Group decided to invest in autobiz as a minority shareholder. This strategic decision made autobiz a key partner in PSA’s ambitious “Push-to-pass” roadmap, whose objectives include doubling its worldwide used-car sales by 2020. autobiz is fully engaged in the success of this objective.

Position and responsibilities: Your main responsibilities as Customer Service Agent:

Your main responsibilities as Customer Service Agent:
Answer incoming calls and call customers who have asked to be contacted

Interact with the customer to understand and meet their needs

Book appointments for customers who have called

We are looking for a candidate with:
At least a high school degree (A levels) and some experience in a sales position

Strong interest in working as a fully engaged team member in a rapidly expanding company

Business sense and the willingness to work to achieve objectives

Key skills:
Excellent phone skills

Interpersonal skills

Aptitude for sales






Excellent diction

Quick response

Contract type: CDD (6 months full-time)

Work hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00-7:00

Location: Suresnes (Paris metro area)

Contact : Marie-Pascale de Matharel
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Customer Service Agent, Pre-Sales
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