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Customer Loyalty Sales Representative

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Contenu de l'offre Customer Loyalty Sales Representative chez Avid Technology

Avid is looking for its office in Levallois-Perret (Paris area) a Customer Loyalty Sales representative. You will be responsible for the renewing of maintenance / service / license contracts for Southern Europe. You must be able to effectively coordinate with our Sales Teams to drive the renewal business in the region and being in permanent contact with our clients and resellers.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Communicating and advising the customers on the range of AVID Support services as it relates to their specific business needs and interests, and ensuring the customer’s understand the support offerings they are purchasing. Recognize and utilize opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling. Secure a commitment (close and associated PO) with the customer Prepare an accurate quotes reflecting customers environment and ensuring that new equipment purchases are included in the annual renewal opportunity. Forecast bookings to achieve your sales goals and evaluate your performance. Report on the state of the business on a quarterly and yearly basis. Understand and keep current on the competitive landscape and business trends within the Support market (participating in educational opportunities or professional organizations; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks…). Majority of work is performed in a normal office environment. Travel requirements: 30% of the time.
Business school or similar higher education course.
You must have a first proven commercial experience with end users and resellers (apprenticeship included) - Please note that this is an entry position
Skills and Knowledge
Excellent written and oral communication skills Excellent command of Excel, and ideally SAP & SFDC softwares Must be a self-starter and able to work in autonomy Be adaptable to each of our customer’s specific requirements and to our international teams Languages: French, English at a professional level. A third or fourth language (Spanish, Italian…) is a real advantage.
Through Avid Everywhere, Avid delivers the industry's most open, innovative and comprehensive media platform connecting content creation with collaboration, asset protection, distribution and consumption for the most listened to, most watched and most loved media in the world—from the most prestigious and award-winning feature films, music recordings, and television shows, to live concerts and news broadcasts. Industry leading solutions include Pro Tools®, Media Composer®, ISIS®, Interplay®, and Sibelius®. Our digital audio and video solutions continue to revolutionize the art of creative storytelling, and have earned us hundreds of awards, including two Oscar® statuettes, a Grammy®, and 15 Emmys®.
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Customer Loyalty Sales Representative
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