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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager chez AWS EMEA SARL (France Branch)

Courbevoie (92) Significant account management or business development experience in IT Proven track record of consistent customer growth and quota achievement Demonstrated ability to work independently and autonomously in a fast-paced and multi-faceted sales environment Ability to drive projects to completion Strong verbal and written communications skills Fluent in English and French
Account Manager

Would you like to be part of a team focused on increasing adoption of Amazon Web Services? Do you have the insights, business and technical background necessary to help establish AWS as a key technology platform provider? As an Account Manager, you will have the exciting opportunity to shape the future of cloud computing at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

You will be responsible for driving and growing revenue, AWS adoption, and market penetration while providing a great customer experience. The ideal candidate will possess a deep sales background and technical acumen that enables them to drive an engagement at the CXO level.
The Account Manager will be an exceptionally strong analytical thinker who thrives in fast-paced dynamic environments and has very strong communication and presentation skills.

Roles & Responsibilities:
Successfully work in a large scale environment, and strategically impact a diverse customer portfolio Accelerate the adoption of AWS services in a defined territory with an ultimate goal of meeting or exceeding quarterly revenue targets and defined goals Develop and execute a territory plan to drives account growth. Maintain a robust customer pipeline while continuously maintaining high closing rates Develop long-term strategic relationships with key stakeholders at all levels of the customer organization Collaborate with AWS resources (Solution Architects, Business Development, Marketing, Partners, Support, and Service teams) to support customer interests, and further drive solution adoption Expect moderate travel
BA/BS degree or relevant experience IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS cloud related selling experience
Cpf final 4

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Account Manager
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