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Sr. Business Development Manager - Digital Innovation

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Contenu de l'offre Sr. Business Development Manager - Digital Innovation chez AWS EMEA SARL (France Branch)

The right person will be technical and analytical, and possess significant experience of business development enterprise sales, or program/product management experience. Experience working within the technology industry is highly desired. Strong verbal and written communications skills are a must, as well as leadership skills. BA or BS in Technical Field required The Sr. Business Development Manager - Digital Innovation will help shape and deliver on a strategy to build mind share and broad use of Amazon’s cloud computing platform within the enterprise. He/she works on selected accounts to reinvent their core offerings through Digital technologies and turn these into replicable models which other customers can use. He/she will be driving the necessary business and technical relationships with customers and partners to establish new business, and enabling the sales team drive the day-to-day interactions with prospects in order to build long-term business opportunity. He/she will also work closely with the product/service teams to help them evolve the products/services and address issues, concerns, and requests from the field.
The ideal candidate will have a background within Amazon (Retail, Kindle etc.) and can apply Amazon innovation methodologies to customer’s business problems to come up with new offerings. He/she possess both a business background that enables them to drive an engagement and interact at the CxO/VP level, as well as a technical background that enables them to easily interact with software developers and architects. He/she should also have a demonstrated ability to think strategically and analytically about business, product, and technical challenges, with the ability to build and convey compelling value propositions, and work cross-organizationally to build consensus. A keen sense of ownership, drive, and scrappiness is a must.

Define the AWS Digital (innovation) offerings of selected customers and innovative digital business models that customer can apply Set a strategic business development plan for the Digital Transformation and ensure it's in line with the AWS strategic direction. Execute the strategic business development plan while working with key internal stakeholders (e.g. sales teams, service teams, legal, support, etc.). Identify specific prospects/partners to approach while communicating the specific value proposition for their business and use case. Fill the business development pipeline by engaging with prospects, partners, and key customers. Understand the technical requirements of our customers and work closely with the internal development teams to guide the direction of our product offerings for developers. Understand and exploit the use of and other internal Amazon systems. Develop long-term strategic partnerships in support of our key markets. Handle a high volume of engagements and the fast pace of the cloud computing market
Cpf final 4

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Sr. Business Development Manager - Digital Innovation
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