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Internship - Business Developer Japan

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Contenu de l'offre Internship - Business Developer Japan chez Back Market

Freeing the planet from electronic waste, leading the shift towards a circular economy, and building a billion-dollar tech company are three solid reasons to wake up in the morning.
Founded five years ago in Paris, Back Market is the world's first online marketplace dedicated exclusively to second-hand devices. Similar to how Airbnb aggregates homeowners and travelers on one trusted platform to draw economic value from a previously underutilized asset — vacant living spaces — Back Market connects certified professionals specializing in the refurbishing and resale of used electronics with consumers looking for a more affordable, reliable, and environmentally-friendly alternative to buying new.
In order to accelerate Back Market catalog growth and maintain a high GMV growth, Back Market is looking for a junior talent for an internship as a Business Developer for the Japanese market.

Your Mission If You Accept It:

Identifying and mapping the Japanese high-tech products afterlife players, and spotting the ones with the highest business potential; Building an operational strategy to approach them, in order to prioritize the sales effort and obtain the best ROI; Approaching, negotiating and converting the leads into Back Market merchants; Training the new sellers on the Back Market tools, for them to be quickly autonomous and achieve high performance; Managing projects and creating new services, tools and process to increase the B2B conversion rate

You're At The Right Place If:

You are a native Japanese speaker, English a no brainer You are working towards your Master's degree in a Business/Engineering University and are looking for a 6 month internship You have at least 1 year experience in sales with an excellent track record on the Japanese market. You have a first experience in the retail or e-commerce with strong achievements at leading expansion projects. You are an excellent listener and proactively find/anticipate solutions to answer your partner’s needs. Ability to work with multiple stakeholders and work closely with product, marketing, account management, catalogue and business insights team members to deliver business value to our partners. You have a strong understanding of the e-commerce and retail environment in Europe, and what will lead Back Market to success.

Recruitment Process:

Phone screen with Goda, Talent Acquisition Specialist Interview with Jinyu, Senior Lead Asian Supply Interview with Alexis, Director of Asian Development
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