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Sr. Account Manager - Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Sr. Account Manager - Paris chez

As a Senior Account Manager you will be responsible for the account management team in the appointed market, managing and motivating people in your team. You will be responsible for the account management of some of the hotels in the area. You create quantity and quality reports on results and performance for information support to BV. You advise hotels about information on the website, and provide them the (initial) training on how to use BV‘s system. You will be reporting to the Area Manager in improving hotel availability and supply and supporting BV in meeting the demands of the visitors on the website.

This fulltime position will be based in our Paris office.

Main Responsibilities:

Manage a team of Account Managers Hotels; Direct account management for hotels in an appointed region within France; Visit the important hotels; Responsible for area coverage; Support BV’s-strategy for hotel availability and supply within France; Promote the BV brand name and its online reservation services to hotels; Liaison person for hotels to contact when they have questions; Providing hotels with information by mail and email, including follow-ups; Follow up on cancellations and evaluations; Accompany and train hotels on how to use BV’s extranet and rates & availability system; Support hotels with regards to BV’s system; Liaise with hotels on allotment, availability and supply; Organize and coordinate Tourist Trade Fair visits to liaise with hotels;


2-4 years of experience in a comparable management function; Fluent English and French speaker and writer; Affinity/experience within e-travel and/or hotel/travel industry; Pro-active, sense of responsibility, friendly and ability to work independently; Quick and resourceful, flexible, accurate, strong analytical skills and an eye for detail; Great face-to-face and telephone communication skills; Team player, motivated and enjoys to work in e-travel and hospitality; Business focused; Positive attitude; University background preferred; Driver’s license; Availability to travel 50% of the time; You already have a work permit to work in France.

The hiring company (France) SAS is one of BV’s and/or BookingSuite BV’s support companies in France. (France) SAS is looking for a Sr. Account Manager – Paris. BV is the company behind™, the market leading online accommodation reservation service in the world. BookingSuite BV is the company which operates’s™ newly established Accommodation Marketing Services division. All references to “” refer to BV.

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Sr. Account Manager - Paris
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