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Business Development Manager - Clinical Impact Products (m/f/n)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Manager - Clinical Impact Products (m/f/n) chez Bruker


The function of the Business Development Manager - Clinical Impact Products in France is to manage sales of Bruker’s high value, innovative diagnostic kits in France.

General duties will include: Responsibility to deliver in France and French Oversea territories sales revenue goals for high value diagnostics kits (including Sepsityper & STAR) in the healthcare fields of Sepsis and Antibiotic resistance. Execute “pull/education” consumable strategy by working with the clinician community and antibiotic stewardship groups, Visiting clinicians, antibiotic stewardship groups and microbiology labs to establish interest in products, provide quotations and generate demand from other hospital stakeholders (clinicians, economic buyers). Providing kits for product evaluations, application training and closing the sales for product adoption in the microbiology labs. Execute “pull/education” consumable strategy: Visiting microbiology labs, trigger interest in products, provide quotations and generate demand from other hospital stakeholders (clinicians, economic buyers). Providing kits for product evaluations, application training and closing the sales for product adoption in the microbiology labs Attend & present products at disease state specific events (e.g. Sepsis & Antibiotic Resistance) to generate leads and interest in the diagnostic kits Develop close working relationships with local Applications, Service, Sales and Regional BU teams to provide a clear plan to promote and grow the product portfolio into region of responsibility Work with colleagues in Business Unit and Commercial Team to share market information, competitor activties, customer feedback, new ideas and experiences to ensure team is briefed and aware of ongoing activities in the region Support MALDI Biotyper sales process where consumables are involved : help introduce early in sales cycle Other duties, specific to the particular operational activity, include: Visit microbiology labs and KOL contacts to establish interest and demand for Clinical Impact products in France and French Oversea territories Coordinate local sales activities with the other team members of the local Commercial Team (Sales, Applications), as appropriate, to maintain good local communication and approach Provide product quotations and evaluation kits for product assessment; ensuring customers are trained on how to use the kits and understand the value to the patient pathways Establish & attend suitable events to attend in region and generate customer leads and contacts to support ongoing growth and expansion of sales Provide regular market and product feedback to the Business Unit team, so sales tools can be created and updated as required Prepare reports and notes on customer meetings; keep CRM up to date Support MALDI Biotyper Sales team presenting diagnostics kits during MALDI Biotyper system sales Negotiate and close sales for diagnostics kits Achieve sales revenue goals: analyse ongoing performance, identify gaps and propose initiatives to address if they appear

Qualifikationen: Master degree (or higher) in microbiology or molecular biology Clear understanding of the microbiology consumable market, preferably with knowledge of Sepsis, blood culture, Antibiotic Susceptibility testing and molecular biology. Good market intelligence with respect to competitive products and vendors Experience in sales management Ability to travel
Cpf final 4

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Business Development Manager - Clinical Impact Products (m/f/n)
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