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SaaS Sales Executive for CAST Highlight

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Contenu de l'offre SaaS Sales Executive for CAST Highlight chez CAST Software

CAST is the market leader in Software Intelligence. Its unique technology thoroughly examines the structure of complex software systems, with MRI-like precision. It delivers accurate, actionable, and automated views of software architecture, critical flaws, quality grades, sizing metrics, open source usage, and cloud readiness levels. Hundreds of companies rely on CAST for greater objectivity in crucial business decisions, faster application modernization for Cloud, raising the quality and security of their custom software. CAST operates globally with offices in North America, Europe, India, China.

This role will be based in Amsterdam and will be responsible driving market penetration for Highlight in the Northern Europe, Nordics and Benelux. You will work with CAST’s management to set and implement the right GTM strategy to aggressively grow Highlight’s footprint with Northern Europe, Nordics and Benelux Enterprise customers. You will be responsible for developing and closing a strong sales pipeline. While we will expect you to hunt out business opportunities, you’ll have support from a business dev rep supporting you for day to day market research & smart prospecting, a significant investment in local field marketing, and a research team based in Bangalore.

Required Experience and Skills

You will have experience of successfully selling SaaS solutions at SVP or C-level You will have the DNA of a hunter and closer You will be comfortable selling to decision makers from CIO /CISO, CTO , VP Enterprise Architecture, VP Engineering, VP Transformation, VP GRC, .. You will have a good understanding of the technologies that enable digital transformation from Enterprise Architect through Software Development, Security and Software Composition Analysis You will have shown that you can deliver fast growth for SaaS solutions in a dynamic scaling company

We are looking for self-motivated, team-oriented people to join our team, familiar and happy to deal with complex , disruptive value prop, i.e making the invisible visible. You are customer focused and creative, an effective communicator in both written and verbal forms, with strong presentation skills. You are excited to be a CAST evangelist for our prospects and customers, supporting their missions through Highlight. You love working in a fast-paced environment and are comfortable taking the initiative to get stuff done or try something new and are effective in communicating results and findings with your team to ensure we all benefit from your knowledge. Perhaps above all else, you are someone who will thrive in an organisation that prides itself on a company spirit based on collegiality, respect for the individual and a strong work ethic. We offer a stimulating work environment and an opportunity to work with exciting state of the art technologies.

To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to a.heyd-castell@castsoftware

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SaaS Sales Executive for CAST Highlight
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