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Publisher Account Manager, Continental Europe

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Contenu de l'offre Publisher Account Manager, Continental Europe chez eXelate

Responsible for Continental Europe Publishers portfolio, publishers loyalty and publisher network development. This fast-paced role requires hard work, a fantastic attitude, commercial acumen, social activities including travel. A marketing background and knowledge of display, video, RTB, mobile, and programmatic buying within the Display Advertising ecosystem is required.

This opportunity is based in Paris with possible business trips to Italy and Spain. Role and Responsibilities:
Prospecting new publishers. You will be actively prospecting new publishers to increase the volume of data available within the eXelate French, Spanish and Italian data eXchange.
Working on new publishers data mapping into the eXelate segments, to increase the volume of data available while meeting the standards of our quality policy.
You will be involved in exisiting Publishers relationships to build up loyalty of our network. You will be in charge of monthly reporting, meetings with our existing publishers and so on.
You will be task with developping new Branded Data Sets in collaboration with the French Direction and the United States.
You will be in charge of analysis and reporting tools in order to provide the rest of the team with insights on demand side activity versus supply side of our business. Liaison with the US Finance Department for client billing and reporting.

Higher education required in e-business or digital marketing. Fluent in English. You are curious, dynamic and eager to learn. You enjoy customer contact! You are comfortable with working in an International environment and want to work in the digital industry. Join us! Contact - Please send your CV and cover letter to: Emilie Carcassonne | Email:
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Publisher Account Manager, Continental Europe
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