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Business Development Manager who will create their first team – Digital Advertising – Innovative marketing solution for advertisers – Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Manager who will create their first team – Digital Advertising – Innovative marketing solution for advertisers – Paris chez Finest People

Would you be like to build up a new market for a mobile technology company? Would you like to select, train and guide your own team? Are you a sales hunter and ready for a serious challenge? Could you stay cool in complex negotiations with large advertisers? This could be the challenge for you.

The company: join a family of creative online advertising innovators looking to welcome a new member to the team.

The goal is to bring new and creative ideas to life via technology and help brands engage their customers. There is a growing demand for new ways to peak the interest of customers. This company is the industry specialist in generating high quality mobile advertising solutions.

The company is based in central Paris and has a dynamic company culture. You are in the middle of the decisions and will experience a very fast and fluent style of management. This gives the employees room to develop their skills and learn from others.

The mission: A Business Development Manager who will create their first team.

This will be a real challenge. Your goal is to develop and grow a new portfolio of clients. You will open the company to direct advertisers and brands. As Business Development Manager you will speak with Marketing Directors, Heads of Media and Chief Digital Officers of brands and advertisers. You like to meet new people, following up by phone, presenting in person and
to be present at the top events in the industry as an evangelist. You will offer a highly innovative and complex solution for brands to reach their customers and help them reach their goals.

This role as an extra bonus, by growing the business you will create a market that will need a team. This means recruiting and training your own sales team. In the first year you will be taking the first steps yourself and receive training by the VP of sales. He will teach you the secrets to successful sales management. Would you be interested to work and develop your career at the same time? Then this is the role for you.

What are they asking from you:

4 years of commercial experience in Digital Media. Experience selling to advertisers (brands) or agencies A commercial mind set and driven personality Ambitious plans for the future Looking for a sales role that will give you the option to build your first team Bac+ 4/5 Living in Paris Speaking French fluently

What are they offering you?

A great challenge that will give you skills for life! A way to work and develop your career at the same time An experience mentor in business development A good fix salary and good variable part An informal working environment An office in the middle of Paris Full package benefits by French law Smart and driven colleagues to work with Don’t wait any longer and apply today!
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Business Development Manager who will create their first team – Digital Advertising – Innovative marketing solution for advertisers – Paris
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