Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

Senior Account Manager - Taste & Beyond

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Account Manager - Taste & Beyond chez Firmenich

Senior Account Manager - Taste & Beyond

Location: Paris, France

Key Responsibilities:

The Account Manager: Taste & Beyond is responsible for promoting and selling a variety of T&B solutions to agreed targeted customers, as well as grow sales sustainably, increase profitability and build long term client relationships.
Define T&B potential for all your customers, then develop account objectives and a commercial strategy
Understand and document the competitive landscape, and implement actions through Account Plan for strategically identified customers.
Drive proactivity and build a strong business potential - Maximise Vitality and secure strong pipeline and high conversion
Develop successful working relationship with (new and existing) clients, establish Firmenich as key partner to obtain briefs for profitable business

We value:

Bachelor’s degree or diploma in Food Technology / Food Science/Commercial
Minimum 5 years working experience in sales and or business development within the food and beverage industry
3 – 5 years working experience in product development in the food and beverage industry
In the absence of relevant qualifications, experience in the relevant field and at the relevant level will be considered
A proactive growth mindset and a can-do attitude
Entrepreneurial spirit

We offer:

Expect an inspiring journey of fun, learning and be part of a transformational journey for T&B

To play a key role in our purpose to improve the quality of life of our workforce, our families, our local communities and society at large
To be part of a company shaping a strong legacy through breakthrough industrial innovations and technology
To be part of a winning team that challenges the status quo and has the hunger for success.

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Senior Account Manager - Taste & Beyond
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