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Sales and marketing management - stage / alternance

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Contenu de l'offre Sales and marketing management - stage / alternance chez FlexiModal

Participate in the development of an innovative B2B startup with international reach. Sales development and marketing management.

Since 2016 FlexiModal has been developing, producing and marketing innovative solutions for urban bike logistics.

Its flagship product is the BicyLift trailer, a patented utility bicycle trailer that has the ability to lift the load to be transported, making it easier to deliver pallets and parcels in the city. Now the range has been extended with a second complementary trailer.

Aimed mainly at urban logistics and delivery professionals, the trailers and their modules are already present in many countries threw direct sells or resellers.

At FlexiModal we are passionate about logistics and urban mobility. With our products, we want to make the city more pleasant to live in by accelerating the transition to soft, non-polluting and silent modes of transport.

The startup is in growth periode passing from 4 to 8 persons and needs new talents to ensure its success.

Internship missions
In relation with the board and in link with a commercial abroad, you will participate to our international commercial development. A clear understanding prospect uses and our range will be the key to lead our prospects to the right solutions. The current available missions :
Sales ++

Active prospection, establishing new connections with direct clients and retailers. Prospection by email, phone, message on social networks Improving the links with the retailers Managing orders / CRM management Answers to incoming contacts

Marketing +

Sales documents improvements, brochure, product presentations Social networks management Editing newsletters


Website improvements for natural referencing Website analytics: analysis of the conversion tunnel Media/press relations for content updates, new articles, press kit Video editing/filming : products use cases, mounting guides and maintenance

Who we are expecting

Min. Bac+3, end of study experiment or apprenticeship Fluent in english. German is a plus Proposal power, creativity Autonomy for finding solutions A first experience in a B2B business is a plus Good communicator

How to make the difference

Loving the bike/technical environment Sensitivity to ecological causes Willing to be part of a small team for entrepreneurial adventure

Practical information

Where ? : Rennes, ZI Sud Est When ? ASAP How much ? : legal remuneration How long ? 5/6 months internship or 1/2 years apprenticeship

Recrutment steps

1. CV + motivations 2. Call interview 3. Physical interview

/// stage alternance commercial marketing commerce stratégie communication international digital manager ///

Job Types: Full-time, Internship

Salary: From 550.00€ per month


Commuter assistance Flexible schedule Work from home


8 hour shift Monday to Friday


english (Required)

Work Remotely:

Cpf final 4

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Sales and marketing management - stage / alternance
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