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Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect F/H

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Contenu de l'offre Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect F/H chez FRAMATOME

Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect F/H

Informations générales

Entité légale

Framatome est un acteur international majeur de la filière nucléaire reconnu pour ses solutions innovantes et ses technologies à forte valeur ajoutée pour la conception, la construction, la maintenance et le développement du parc nucléaire mondial. L'entreprise conçoit et fabrique des composants, du combustible, des systèmes de contrôle-commande et offre toute une gamme de services destinés aux réacteurs.

Grâce à ses 14 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde, Framatome met chaque jour son expertise au service de ses clients pour leur permettre d'améliorer la sûreté et la performance de leurs centrales nucléaires et de contribuer à atteindre leurs objectifs économiques et sociétaux.

Framatome est détenue par le groupe EDF (75,5 %), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI - 19,5 %) et Assystem (5 %)



Date de parution


Description du poste


IS - SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION - IS3 - Application Management

Intitulé du poste

Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect F/H



Fourchette de rémunération

de 60 à 70 K

Description de la BU

Framatome is a major international player in the nuclear energy market recognized for its innovative solutions and value-added technologies for designing, building, maintaining, and advancing the global nuclear fleet. The company designs, manufactures, and installs components and fuel for nuclear power plants and offers a full range of reactor services.
With 14,000 employees worldwide, every day Framatome's expertise helps its customers improve the safety and performance of their nuclear plants and achieve their economic and societal goals.
Framatome is owned by the EDF Group (75.5%), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI – 19.5%) and Assystem (5%).
The Installed Base Business Unit combines the nuclear reactor design and construction activities and the products and services activities necessary for the maintenance, operation, modernization, and improvement of power plants.
In this context, Framatome has the ambition to develop an Installed Base (IB) Digital business by building on its existing Digital portfolio (Cybersecurity, simulation, data analytics, etc.) in Nuclear and in adjacent critical infrastructure market. This role will be key to develop this business within the Installed Base (IB) Business unit which represents about half of Framatome's revenue and margin.

Description de la mission

As IB Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect you will be a key part of the company's ability to demonstrate and offer a high degree of technical expertise, consultative guidance and complex solution design/product architecture support to both our customers and internally.

You will be expected to work closely with our customers as well as with multiple internal teams, including subject matter experts, product line management and the various commercial and technical teams throughout the company.

The Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect report directly to the Pre-Sales and Advisory Manager.

Your role will be to:

·         Provide support to all pre-sales’ activities with our customers, helping to establish the required trusted relationship prior to define technical solutions and engage on sales proposal phase.

·         Provide technical support to the Cyber Team, identify key initiatives and customer opportunities, act as a subject matter expert for products and services within the company's target markets.

·         Collaborate with product management, engineering, marketing and sales to continuously improve the company's product and service offering portfolio

·         Collaborate with engineering and other technical teams to develop comprehensive technical solutions.

·         Manage technical project work collaborating with the product management, commercial and technical teams to meet project deadlines and budgets

·         Act as an escalation resource available to the company for internal, pre-sales, production-phase or post-sales technical issues as required

·         Maintain strong working knowledge of cyber-security tools, concepts and best practices, as well as applicable cyber-security compliance requirements related to the company's target markets

·         Support in overall RFP process and provide help in defining and delivering any requested solution training for our customers.


Required qualification :

Master's degree from an accredited university or bachelor's degree with a minimum of 2 years of experience

Fluent in oral and written in French and English

Strong working knowledge of Operational Technology (OT), Information Technology (IT), hardware, software, networking, security and other infrastructure products technologies with exposure to industrial eco-system and specificities

Ability to design and architect technical solutions, to create and articulate a strong technical vision, assemble a concept and present a solution to stakeholders (both internal teams and to our customers)

Preferred qualification :

Basic Cyber-Security knowledge

Information technology and/or Security technical certifications(s). Experience working with technical teams with knowledge of Cybersecurity and ICS concepts

Experience working in markets with compliance requirements such as IEC 62443, NERC CIP, ISO 27001, NIS Directives or other relevant Cyber regulation frameworks

Previous experience providing and/or supporting technology and/or security solutions in critical infrastructure environments

Previous experience with industrial and embedded computing technologies/hardware

Job location : Massy (91) or Lyon (69)

Localisation du poste

Localisation du poste

France, Ile-de-France, Essonne (91)





Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis


Niveau d'expérience min. requis

Expérimenté (5 ans et plus)

Niveau d'emploi

Ingénieur & Cadre


Anglais (Courant)
Français (Courant)

Ce poste est-il ouvert aux candidats en situation de handicap ?

Conformément aux engagements pris par Framatome en faveur de l'accueil et de l'intégration des personnes en situation de handicap, cet emploi est ouvert à toutes et à tous sous réserve de l'accord de la médecine du travail

Informations additionnelles

Poste soumis à enquête administrative


Poste autorisant le dépistage des stupéfiants dans le cadre de la prévention des addictions


Poste soumis à autorisation au titre du contrôle des exportations


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Cyber Pre-Sales Solutions Architect F/H
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