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Property Recruiter France - Sales Agents France H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Property Recruiter France - Sales Agents France H/F chez Happy.Rentals

Happy.Rentals recherche …
Happy Rentals is looking for a Property Recruiter with a passion for sales and to expand our management and rental portfolio Your main tasks will BE the recruitment of new properties.

Our company

Happy.Services manages holiday homes for owners all over the world. Happy.Services provides services to holiday guests through its partner Happy Holiday Homes. Happy Holiday Homes offers a wide collection of superlative holiday homes to meet all your accommodation needs in Italy, Switzerland, France, Greece, Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia and Spain. Our holiday homes are located in the best locations in these destinations and include villas, flats and houses to suit all budgets and preferences.

The role of the Property Recruiter / Salesperson in Italy without a specific base but projected and focused on their own region is crucial to the success of the following aspects

As a property recruiter you will BE responsible for recruiting properties under management for Happy.Services and rental homes for our partner Happy Holiday Homes.

In addition to managing the recruitment of holiday rental properties, you will also operate in a small team of other property managers/recruiters and together you will BE responsible for achieving certain targets in terms of new properties added in a given period.

You will BE a key pillar in achieving ambitious goals for 2023 / 2024. If you are enthusiastic about building your career in a dynamic and entrepreneurial company, we want to hear from you !

Main tasks

Proactively engage homeowners by phone, in person and via email to achieve recruitment goals.

Ensure conversion of direct enquiries and direct applications through targeted follow-up activity.

Ability to establish and develop personal and valuable relationships with new and existing homeowners and also holiday guests.

Process all applications in line with the recruitment strategy to ensure continuity of the database.

Record details of all recruitment activity after each meeting with homeowners in our Property Management System (PMS), ensuring a high degree of accuracy and providing clear visibility of results and the current recruitment pipeline.

Take the lead on new ways of recruiting properties other than those already in use.

Communicate and update homeowners on the status of their property when changes occur.
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