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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager chez iBasis

Paris (75)

Tofane Global is at the same time a young group and one of the world leaders in communications solutions group. We enable telecom operators and digital players by connecting them to all countries, on mobile, fixed lines or via the internet on all devices. As the result of the acquisitions of the international parts of SFR, Portugal Telecom from Altice Europe N.V. and iBASIS, Tofane Global ranks as the third largest wholesale voice operator, servicing 1,000+ customers across 18 offices worldwide.

In a dynamic international environment, attached to the Sale Director, we are looking for an Account Manager to create long-term, trusting relationships with our customers. Your role is to build and develop strong, long-lasting customer relationships from existing clients and actively seek new sales opportunities.


Commercial skills:

Buying & selling international voice traffic: negotiate international voice deals with a daily follow up on bilateral negotiated agreements, evaluate targets to identify new opportunities

Overseeing customer account management, including negotiating contracts and agreements to maximize profit

Prospecting, building and maintaining robust sales pipeline,

develop new businesses on voice, messaging (SMS), data, IoT, roaming or security markets, identify and close new business opportunities with appropriate strategy

Operating as the lead point of contact for any and all matters specific to your accounts

Manage the invoice validation process (conciliation)

Manage the deal conciliation process to identify the shortfalls (if any) for the next period - This activity is to ensure that at the end of each bilateral deal both parties are aware of any missing traffic to be included in the new negotiation

Clearly communicate the progress of monthly/quarterly initiatives to internal and external stakeholders

Technical skills:

Support group projects

Voice and data technologies familiar

Knowledge in CRM systems

Required profile:

Academic Background: Bachelor of Business Management, Marketing, Industrial Engineering or similar

Languages: fluent in English and French, knowledge of other languages (Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish…) will be appreciated

Computing Skills: CRM systeme, perfect command of office and digital tools

Autonomous, Dynamic, sense of initiative

Proven work experience as an Account Manager, or relevant role

Interpersonal skills, dynamism will allow you to succeed in your mission.

Occasional travel (customer relationship / Events)

Based in Paris or Lisbon

Cpf final 4

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