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Account Manager - Digital Solutions

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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager - Digital Solutions chez International SOS

92300 Levallois-Perret Job Description

The Client Success Executive is responsible for the overall implementation and adoption of our digital products (information and travellers' tracking) for their assigned customers. This is a front line, customer facing and customer advocate role responsible for engaging with clients to discuss, understand, and plan the implementation of our products.

Own the relationship with the client from a technical perspective (not a sales role) Manage the technical implementation Negotiate and maintain a project plan with client stakeholders and ensure scheduled events, tasks and milestones are delivered on time Deliver periodic status reports to internal stakeholders and external clients Train clients on using our products effectively either through face-to-face or online meetings. Liaising and participating in cross functional team meetings and projects as required to support our customer base Working not only with extended team members from travel data, reporting, product management and customer support but also colleagues in sales, account managers, regional sales/business development managers The ultimate objective is to ensure a successful implementation and overall client satisfaction with the products


Commitment to provide a high level of service to customers Project management Global knowledge and previous experience to international markets Ability to establish and maintain relationships with clients and cross departmental team members as well as mid to senior level management Ability to work across technical and business unit teams to achieve results Ability to project a professional image and communicate concepts and issues at a level appropriate to the audience Excellent written and verbal communication skills required (Fluent in English, another European language is a plus) Commitment to excellence, team, and team building. Innovative, creative problem solver with an eye for detail and accuracy Flexibility to travel to Europe (rare and short duration trips)
Additional Information

Here at International SOS we will offer you an interesting, varied and challenging career, where you will have the opportunity to experience working within a multicultural environment

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Account Manager - Digital Solutions
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