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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager chez Jellyfish UK

Paris (75) We are currently looking for an Account Manager, with a first
experience in digital customer relations.

In a context of strong growth, you will be directly in charge of a
customer portfolio that is important for the growth of Reeport ranging
from 600,000 to 900,000 in annual recurring revenue.

Your role will be both to grow these accounts, but also to have an
impact on sales product strategies, and to improve the quality of the
Reeport experience.

Must-haves :
At least on experience in Customer relation. At least one experience in Digital Versatility, rigour and dynamism Excellent interpersonal skills Positive, pleasant and collaborative mindset Nice-to-haves:
Experience in a large group or in a start-up company Experience in digital marketing (media, e-commerce, CRM, web analysis)
Knowledge of Google Cloud Platform / Cloud environments Fluency in English Advantages :
A dynamic of hyper-growth of the company exciting & professionalizing
A stimulating environment: a young, demanding but caring team and a culture of innovation.
An ideal setting: modern, equipped premises (cafeteria, sports hall, arcade games, terrace) and located in the centre of Paris
Prospects for fast and empowering growth, a remuneration according to the profile
Reeport is an innovative SaaS tool for data visualisation and
reporting automation. We enable our clients to get it over with the
task of the weekly or monthly reporting, to make it an finally
actionable tool.

Fruit of 7 years of R&D, Reeport was commercially launched in 2016 and
is posting triple-digit growth every year.

Plebiscited by major digital players in France, such as AXA, Total,
Carrefour or Club Med, Reeport must establish its place in the market
by 2020.

Bought by Webedia and the Fimalac group, Reeport displays similar
growth objectives for the next 3 years in terms of employees, margin
and turnover.
Cpf final 4

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