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Kering Eyewear Jr Sales Analyst H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Kering Eyewear Jr Sales Analyst H/F chez Kering

Kering recherche …
About us
Kering Eyewear is the world leader in Luxury and Hi-End Eyewear (Frames & Sunglasses), developing a unique ensemble' of powerful brands. We design, develop, manufacture and market to customers and consumers, the most desirable frames and sunglasses in two fast growing segments : Luxury and Sport & Lifestyle.
Through our industry expertise, we empower our brands to GO beyond their limits in this high potential business category, supporting their capacity to lead and innovate in Eyewear, to realize their artistic and financial potential, in the most imaginative and sustainable manner.

Your opportunity

Reporting to the Key Account Manager, you will BE responsible for supporting the preparation, collection and analysis of reports about the different subsidiaries, in the terms and with the frequency demanded by the Management, working in collaboration with Sales, Trade Marketing and Finance.

How you will contribute
- Preparation and analysis of reports about orders, sales figures of the different areas concerned (daily, weekly, monthly).
- Preparation and analysis of reports about portfolio orders (check on commercial and credit blocks, requested delivery date, goods allocation).
- KPI's follow-ups and analysis of performances of the sales teams (average of visits, customers coverage, productivity per visit, discounts and returns).
- Improvement of reporting tools and definition of new tools for KPIs monitoring.
- Collection of the information, analysis and compilation of the Monthly Business Review.
- Preparation and analysis of reports about distribution and collections coverage and check on compliance about selective distribution.
- Support to Sales, Trade Marketing, Sales support in creating analysis ad hoc (e.g. check on sales campaign performance, results of Sales Force Incentive, etc.).
- Analysis of Subsidiaries and Brands net sales performance.

Who you are
- Business Degree / Management Engineering / Marketing with outstanding scores.
- Excellent Excel and PowerPoint skills.
- Advanced level of English.
- Teamwork.
- A methodical, analytical and logical approach.
- The ability to plan work and meet deadlines.
- Accuracy and attention to details.
- Problem solving.
- Curiosity and innovation.
- Clear and open communication.

Why work with us?

This is a fabulous opportunity to join the Kering Eyewear adventure and and to actively contribute to the development of the business by becoming part of a thriving Company in a global Luxury Group that offers endless possibilities to learn and grow. Talent development is a managerial principle at Kering and we are committed to fostering internal mobility. Our common vision promotes leadership skills and helps every employee to reach their full potential in a stimulating and fulfilling workplace environment.
Cpf final 4

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Kering Eyewear Jr Sales Analyst H/F
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