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Account Success Manager - France

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Contenu de l'offre Account Success Manager - France chez Landa Digital Printing

Account Success Manager - France

Landa is seeking an experienced Account Success Manager to drive press performance in a specific customer’s production workflow to ensure customer success in the France region. In this role, you will be responsible for customer productivity while working closely with the different functions to drive faster and better outcomes for the customer.


Work closely with Landa customers to improve the overall level of utilization of a Landa Nanographic Press – ensuring customer satisfaction and success
Work with the customer to assist in the selection of work and production best suited to the press with the objective to build the volume of pages produced - ensure the Landa promise by delivering the value proposition (applications, quality and productivity)
Guide the customer as they ramp up the new press, and develop its use throughout the PLC
Be Landa's focal point in front of the customer: building up trust with the customer and providing transparency on project progress
Work closely with the Landa field service engineer and with Landa’s global service operation. Facilitate clear and accurate communication to achieve faster and better outcomes for the customer
Support with pre-sales activities in the region such as demonstrations and sample handling


Experience with E2E printing production environment, with in depth understanding of the production floor
Detailed understanding of customer applications
Experience in project management
Capability to work in a complex environment with multiple external and internal stakeholders (customer, service, business) - Ability to work in a governance model with multiple functions to achieve success
Great interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
Clear and effective English and French communication skills
Capability to build a long-term relationship with the customer

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Account Success Manager - France
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