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Contenu de l'offre BUSINESS DEVELOPER chez LFC Humain

LFC Humain, a human resources consulting firm, is looking for its client, NOVELTIS, a BUSINESS DEVELOPER with a permanent contract based in Toulouse.

As an innovation-oriented SME dedicated to space, the environment and sustainable development, NOVELTIS offers in these fields, scientific engineering services, studies and implementation of tailor-made operational solutions.

Attached to the CEO, you will aim at developing Spin-off and increase its market position. Member of the COMEX and head of the « Business Development » division, you ensure its management and report regularly on the activity.

As such, you will have as main missions to:
 Develop the turnover and the margin of the company
 Expand Marketing and e-commerce
 Manage valuation and follow-up of cases in relation to internal skills
 Identify and develop development opportunities through e-business, social selling, digital communication, a cross-border hunt without forgetting the organization of events, fairs.
 Lobbying

Holder of a degree of business schools (HEC, ESSEC ..) or engineering schools of BAC + 5, you justify a successful 5 years experience in a similar position.
A perfect level of English is necessary to carry out your missions and increase the position of the company at European level but also internationally. You are based in Labège in the offices of the group but many trips abroad are expected.

Competitor, you have the taste of the challenge and the culture of the result.
An international vision as well as knowledge in geopolitics and general knowledge are necessary to apprehend and analyze the new markets which are offered to you. You know how to value your offers and master the levers of communication and digital marketing. You carry out a solid business strategy thanks to balanced budget concepts. Your sense of negotiation, your persuasiveness and conviction are assets to succeed in this position.
Finally, at ease both orally and in writing you are able to manage your relationships while developing your commitments and your ability to cooperate.

Contract information : Permanent contract – Executive – Fixed wage 57 k€ + Evolutionary variable. If you wish to use your talent and participate in the development of NOVELTIS, send us your application (letter of motivation / CV) to the following address:

Cpf final 4

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