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Ingénieur Avant-Vente (Field Applications Engineer)

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Contenu de l'offre Ingénieur Avant-Vente (Field Applications Engineer) chez Luceor

Vélizy-Villacoublay (78)

Position Summary:

Luceor, Pioneer and leader in next generation WiMesh Technology, provides today unmatched broadband mobile and secured wireless private networks solutions.

Our mission is to bring hi-SLA’s communications solutions and secure the deployment of new classes of mobile mission and business critical applications in any kind of circumstances facing the explosion of the need of all new generation of connected mobile equipment’s such as robots, drones and video analytics AI where traditional cellular or WiFi technologies fall short.

Aligned with Company’s strategy and the Customer Technical Services Director to whom he will report, the FAE will be responsible for providing pre-& post-sales technical & applications support to Luceor’s sales teams and their clients and prospects to help qualify & position Luceor to win customers projects, build partnerships and ensure both customers & partners satisfaction. In addition to Sales Management team, he will closely coordinate with Customer Support Team and R&D Product Management Team to ensure fast and effective communication for customer satisfaction and qualified feedback. FAE is a high energy, enthusiastic, and results oriented individual.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

Assist sales & provide product benefits message to optimize Luceor’s positioning for specific customers or partners solutions engagements Deliver customers/partners technical presentations, build technical responses, configuration quotes & RFP technical responses (CCTP), co-conduct Go-noGo Meetings with Sales when appropriate Management of Demos and/or Pilot for specific strategic projects Deliver Technical Trainings for Customers & Partners Establish strong personal relationships (Trusted Advisor) with listed accounts technical decision makers Provide Field Expert Consulting & Assistance Provide effective & timely field reporting & feedback on projects, customers & partners satisfaction, competition, applications & markets as well as on perceived new trends Identify New Features Request (NFR) & provide detailed report to PMD & Management Liaise with Customer Support team to ensure timely & effective post-sales customer satisfaction Identify requests for new Sales Tools & communication material

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

B2B Security & Networking Markets & Applications deep knowledge (customers & ecosystem) Ability to identify key product value added features & determine competitive positioning for given customer projects/partner solutions Excellent communication (oral & writing) skills in French & English. Ability to present to business and technical audiences. Strong business skills. Timing & Quality Responsiveness to Field sales requests Management skills to set sales/customers/partners expectations High energy, passion & results-oriented

Technical skills:

Overall knowledge of Networking & Wireless markets, actors and technologies Very good networking skills. Network design TCP/IP (LAN, MAN,WAN ) Layer 2 and 3 Wireless technologies & deployment expertise Experience of video IP and VoIP solutions. Comfortable with software application tools Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio A large Vendor networking certification is a plus


BS Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering, or related field. 3-5+ years individual experiences in the related fields with a minimum of 3 years in Pre-Sales in the Networking Industry.
Cpf final 4

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Ingénieur Avant-Vente (Field Applications Engineer)
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