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Business Development Manager F/M

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Manager F/M chez Mars

New Route to Market Manager F/H
Mars Food Europe

« Chez Mars, vous allez grandir et vous développer au-delà de ce que vous pouvez imaginer. »

Contrat : CDI
Localisation : Paris 16ème
You have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking for a different experience? You have background in Sales and possibly Marketing/Category Management? You are interested in growing our business by expanding our portfolio in new markets? This role could be for you!

Our vision for Food is to be the Fastest Growing Dinner Company. One of the pillars to achieve this is to accelerate the expansion of our tailwind categories to new markets.

This exciting role was created to enable a faster expansion of our portfolio in markets where we don’t have resource or are not equipped to do so in our existing structure.

Its purpose is to implement, drive and manage centrally a Distributor Route to Market enabling the launch, sales and marketing of MARS Food brand(s), in a selection of European markets (Multi Sales). We will start with expanding the SUZI WAN Brand to a selection of new markets where we can launch or develop the fast growing Asian category with a strong and proven Brand.

The New Business Development manager reports into the Category Development Director for Food Europe in Multi Sales markets.


The role consists of defining and setting up the most efficient “Distributor Model” to expand the SUZI WAN brand (and potentially other brands) in new markets in Multi Sales Europe, in parallel to our existing operations in these markets.

You will play a critical role in the definition of the deployment strategy, in recommending the phasing of markets and developing the launch and execution model.

You will be accountable for identifying the relevant partner distributors in the different markets, negotiating the contracts, selecting the critical KPI’s to track, and work in collaboration with the selected distributors to reach our targets in each country.

The jobholder will collaborate closely with other key functions, Marketing, Activity management, Supply and Finance, to provide the supply route, the range, tools and assets required for local Distributors to successfully launch, sell, activate the brand in the given markets.


Participate in Deployment strategy definition, phasing of markets and Distributor model set-up Identify and select the relevant partner distributor(s) in each market Negotiate and agree the distributor agreement within given legal and financial guidelines Deliver the yearly sales targets by negotiating and tracking the yearly JBP with each distributor Own the P&L related to the sales realized through this distributor model Train and coach the distributor teams (in compliance with the legal rules and the contract) Adapt and deliver the Category Story and collaborate with other functions on range and activation plans. Highlight the tools/assets needed for the distributors to implement their plans. Codify the learnings and define, refine and optimize the model as we go.


You will have a Master Degree in a business related discipline and have 5 years work experience. Have Sales experience (including account management), ideally have worked previously with or managed a distributor or having held jobs in different Retail Channels. Have some experience in Marketing or Category management or having worked closely with these functions. Have an entrepreneurial spirit, feeling at ease in new/different ways of doing things Have some experience or a strong inclination for working in a multi-cultural context If you have knowledge/experience in the digital space, this is a plus


Critical supporting competencies will be:

Drive for Results, Customer Focus and Conflict Management Priority Setting and Dealing with Ambiguity Standing Alone and Learning on the Fly

Functional competencies:

Selling and Negotiation skills Execution/Measurement and Analytical Skills Financial Management Project Management


Chez Mars, nous sommes unis par une vision inspirante. Nous formons une grande famille grâce aux liens forts qui nous unissent et à nos 5 principes que sont la Qualité, l’Efficacité, la Responsabilité, la Mutualité et la Liberté. Nous sommes fiers de faire du business différemment, tout en permettant à nos Associés d'apprendre, de grandir, de rêver et de se développer d'une façon unique en son genre.

Travailler chez Mars, c’est concrétiser ses ambitions et comprendre qu’une entreprise, c’est bien plus que des profits. Travailler chez Mars, c’est l’opportunité de pleinement s’investir, de donner du sens à son travail et d’agir en faveur des communautés et de la planète. Ce qui vous attend chez Mars, c’est un travail passionnant et stimulant. Mais pas seulement … Vous travaillerez avec des équipes conviviales et talentueuses et serez encouragé à prendre des responsabilités et à vous développer pour tracer les lignes d’une grande carrière !

Depuis 5 ans, Mars se hisse sur le podium des entreprises françaises où il fait bon travailler (selon l’Institut Great Place to Work®). En savoir plus.

Découvrez en images, l'histoire du Groupe Mars :

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Business Development Manager F/M
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