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Contenu de l'offre Business Developer UK chez OnCrawl

Mérignac (33) CDD, CDI


OnCrawl is a technical SEO platform that helps you make smarter SEO decisions. OnCrawl combines your content, log files and search data at scale so that you can open Google’s blackbox and build an SEO strategy with confidence. Backed by an SEO crawler, a log analyzer and third-party integrations, OnCrawl currently works with over 1000 clients in 66 countries such as Forbes,, Vistaprint, Canon or L’Oréal. OnCrawl produces actionable dashboards and reports to support your entire search engine optimization process and helps you improve your rankings, traffic and online revenues.
OnCrawl was named in 2019 Best SEO Tool at the US, European and MENA Search Awards, a ceremony celebrating the expertise, talent and achievements of the search industry for over half a decade and which is regarded as the premiere celebration of SEO, PPC and content marketing in the industry.


Job description

OnCrawl is looking for a Business Developer – United Kingdom to develop and market OnCrawl in the UK.

The person recruited will be responsible for the following tasks:

Prospect and identify sales opportunities through outbound calling, email interaction, and follow-up Treatment and follow-up of incoming leads Understanding prospects organization, objectives, budgets, timelines, key decision makers and obstacles Demonstrating the solution value proposition Drafting commercial proposals and monitoring them up to signature Participation in the general development of the solution and the company Attending meet-ups and tradeshows in order to promote OnCrawl services to prospective customers (about 30% travel time per year on Canadian and US territories)

Preferred experience

2+ years of experience in prospecting and sales administration Mastering prospection by phone and email Experience in cold contacting in B2B Ability to build strong relationships with customers Solid track record of achieving aggressive goals and targets Knowledge of web new technologies is a plus Mastery of a CRM and any other prospecting tool(s) is a plus

Meet the OnCrawl team

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