Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

France Commercial/Digital Product Manager

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Contenu de l'offre France Commercial/Digital Product Manager chez PepsiCo

Auto req ID: 221925BR

Job Description


Drives new ideas for technology and business process innovationto enable competitive position

Manages relationships with IT teams, vendors and 3rd partyproviders

Oversees prioritization and delivery of solutions for area(s) of ownership to ensure value realization

Supports development of strategic roadmap (i.e., defines the casefor change, gains investment approval, identifies pursuit opportunities)

Serves as an escalation point for projects (via steering committeeparticipation) to help resolve issues requiring business partnerengagement

Drives technology and business process innovation to enablecompetitive position

Manages a portfolio of services to address business needs

Anticipates needs by supporting Proof of Concept and investigatingpotential solutions in order to communicate solutionrecommendations

Participates in identifying, assessing and promoting the use of newtechnologies for increased productivity

Leverages the long-term roadmap defined by architecture in orderto implement alternatives that meet the business processrequirements and financial requirements

Acts as a change agent and assists the business in absorbingchange in order to enhance value gained from new solutions

Owns compliance, risk management and security strategies andprograms, championing risk management and security discipline

Analyzes components of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) impactingprocess reengineering

Participates in business process design workshops with internal orexternal teams

Participates in change management analysis during processdesign

Aligns process improvements with sector transformation visions

Creates the business case and target value to be realized anddrives effort to ensure project is approved and funded

Assesses that Project Charter objectives have been met andcloses project

Schedules Benefits Realization Reviews as applicable

Owns the project delivery of local applications

Owns the support of local applications


Seasoned executive with more than 5 years of operating experience

Technical Skills:

SAP experience preferred

Ability to think broadly and influence multiple decision makers with atrack record of developing and delivering high impact and successfulconsumer IT strategies

Strong foundational understanding of IT and operationaleffectiveness

Non-Technical Skills:

Highly analytical, motivated, decisive thought leader with excellentmanagerial skills.

Strong verbal and written communication skills to influence seniorleaders

Advanced proficiency business English both oral and written

Relocation Eligible: Not Applicable
Job Type: Regular
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France Commercial/Digital Product Manager
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