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CDI - International Account Executive H/F

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - International Account Executive H/F chez Publicis Groupe

Publicis Groupe recherche …
Informations complémentaires :

Description de l'entreprise :

Publicis Media compte parmi l'un des quatre pôles de solutions de Publicis Groupe, avec Publicis Communications, Publicis.Sapient et Publicis Healthcare. Dirigé par Steve King, CEO, Publicis Media est porté par cinq marques : Starcom, Zenith, Spark Foundry, Blue 449 et Performics.

Ses compétences mondiales orientées data et digital-first génèrent de la valeur pour ses clients et concrétisent leur transformation. Publicis Media accompagne ses clients dans l'univers complexe des médias d'aujourd'hui. Présent dans plus de 100 pays, le pôle compte plus de 17 500 collaborateurs.

Publicis Media recrute de nombreux talents pour renforcer son leadership dans le conseil en Média. Nos métiers : Conseil, Social media, Content, expertise SEA et SEO, Performance digitale, data, Traffic, Campaign Management...

Vous recherchez un environnement de travail stimulant où les notions de performance et de fun coexistent, le tout en plein coeur de Paris ? N'attendez plus pour nous rejoindre !

#Talent #Trust #Transformation

Description du poste :

The Paris International Hub is looking for an International Account Executive. You will BE involved in the team and report directly to the International Account Manager.

You will develop and support client projects :


· Data fetching and coordination

· Budget data monitoring and analysis

· Cross and multi brand budget analysis

· Process and workflows definition

· Evaluation of the media strategies and planning in agreement with the central media guidelines

· Support the Account Manager in the projects management


· Key support for plurimedia campaign operational projects : expert coordination, delivery management, etc.

· Day to day liaison with network to fulfil client requirements

· Preparing regular status report of on-going campaigns/initiatives in market

· Day to day coordination and implementation of requests

· Invoicing and Financial reporting of our global and local budget


· Competitive analysis on all our markets

· On-going monitoring of the luxury and beauty activities, best-cases and innovations

· On-going monitoring of the local and global plurimedia landscape

· Support the Account Manager and the Account Director in the elaboration of Global Guidelines for our brands

· Support of the Account Manager in the elaboration of inspiration meetings and global trends presentations

Qualifications :

In your experience :

· You graduated in marketing, communication, media or advertising

· You developed an excellent knowledge of English and French (fluent).

· You have learned how to handle complex Excel files and advanced PowerPoint

· If you have had a first experience in media/digital/marketing consultancy agencies or companies or media owner environment with a good understanding of the marketing ecosystem

You are :

· Proactive and positive in team working

· Accurate, reliable and responsible

· Eager to learn, listen, ask questions, take notes

· Able to relate and collaborate with the internal team

· Pro-active and interested in seeking solutions and novelties
Cpf final 4

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CDI - International Account Executive H/F
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