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Business Development Manager - M/F - Permanent contract

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Manager - M/F - Permanent contract chez Reed Exhibitions

CDIParticipate in the development of Reed MIDEM's real estate event portfolio with your strong analytical and business skills Reed MIDEM is looking for a Business Development Manager - M / F – Permanent contract
Details about the job: In collaboration with the Exhibition teams, you identify growth potential (geographic, sectoral, diversification ...) for the creation or acquisition, internationally, of exhibitions and / or conferences in the Real Estate industry and prioritize development opportunities. You contribute to the analysis of the quantified data, to the modeling of the options retained and participate in the elaboration of business plans and launching plans. Throughout the year, you conduct strategic market analyzes to map the value chain, the positioning of Reed MIDEM's events and its competitors, the various actors involved and the dynamics of the different sectors of the Real Estate market. You support the Show Management team at both strategic and operational levels, as well as in the coordination of launch projects while waiting for the recruitment of dedicated teams. You propose ideas and analysis enabling us to detect reservoirs of growth and to exploit them. In this position, you are in contact with the different Offices and with the Group's subsidiaries abroad (China, Japan, Brazil, UK ...) for both analyzes and launch projects.
This job may be for you if … You have: A higher education degree (Bac + 5 - Business School or University) in strategic marketing or business development 5 years minimum experience in consulting functions in a strategy and management consulting firm, or in any other corporate position (Corporate Development, Strategic Marketing, Brand Management or Business Development), and in an international environment. An excellent level of English and French Excellent analysis and synthesis skills as well as good interpersonal skills with all types of stakeholders (cross-functional & cross-hierarchical) You are: Autonomous with leadership abilities and strong intellectual curiosity Able to deliver viable proposals from an operational point of view. Joining Reed MIDEM means joining a dynamic company, with a strong international identity and a member of Reed Exhibitions and RELX. Our specificity: premium business events that are exceptional platforms serving key players in the music, television and digital content, esport, real estate, retail real estate and PropTech sectors. Multicultural, Excellence, Remarkable, Consideration, Innovation... These are our values; they are the pillars and drivers of our corporate culture, serving our customers, our teams and our partners.
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Business Development Manager - M/F - Permanent contract
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