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Business Development Representative H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Representative H/F chez Sia Partners

Company Description

With a unique combination of Business, Design, Digital Marketing, and Data science expertise, Heka by Sia Partners helps companies in all sectors and services dramatically improve their operational efficiency with artificial intelligence.

Heka is the ecosystem of AI-driven solutions developed by Sia Partners
. This ecosystem is the result of nearly 10 years of investment. It hosts numerous AI accelerators, Data Science applications, Data Sets, Platforms as a Service, which, combined with consulting services or deployed independently, provide scalable solutions for customers. Heka has known a fast-paced and continuous growth, reaching over 150 employees located in five Centers of Excellence worldwide: Paris, Montreal, Amsterdam, London, and New York.

Job Description

As a Business Development Representative you are the first contact for our customers. You are in charge of promoting our portfolio, presenting our value proposition, and qualifying prospects. You create the relationships that allow our customers to innovate and operate more efficiently, and our solutions and service teams to thrive.
You will be a key member of the Heka Sales & Marketing Team! Therefore, we value curiosity, a self-starter mindset, a results-oriented spirit, goodwill, and tenacity.

On a daily basis, your missions can be:

Research and identify prospects and partners according to the AI-driven solutions persona, Conduct first meetings to qualify prospects and partners, and turn them into Sales Qualified Leads, Assist the Sales Team to conduct meetings and follow-ups to identify and propose solutions to prospect and partner requirements, Help draft value-based proposals that translate technical requirements into business solutions, Track and analyze your KPIs via our CRM Coordinate marketing actions and communication to promote the Heka brand (white papers, webinars, social media articles, newsletters...). Share your commercial know-how and your ideas to improve the team's performance Contribute to our business growth in a fast-paced, collaborative and international atmosphere, as a valued member of our Heka team in Paris.

This list is non-exhaustive, and after an onboarding time period and good assimilation of our value proposition, you can expect your roles and responsibilities to evolve.


You like challenges and new technologies and are looking for experience in a dynamic and international environment. You are autonomous and proactive and know how to communicate your ideas. We are looking for talents with the following qualifications:

1-3 years of full-time corporate sales experience (software and services sales is a plus), Master’s degree or equivalent, Fluent in English.

We are also looking for the following attributes:

Challenger mindset, never afraid of being pushed out of his/her comfort zone, Explorer, comfortable immersing yourself in abstract and complex business challenges, Curious and fast-learner, eager to educate yourself about our AI-driven solutions and AI capabilities across the sectors and services we cover
Additional Information

Et une vidéo de présentation de nos "AI services & solutions" :

Sia Partners is an equal opportunity employer. All aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion,remuneration, or discipline, are based solely on performance, competence, conduct, or business needs

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Business Development Representative H/F
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