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Contenu de l'offre Head of Auction Sales chez sothebys

Description du poste
We're looking for a candidate to this position in an exciting company. Apply your innate understanding of the wine trade to further create a Sotheby's Wine brand in Continental Europe that is commercially appealing, consistent with the brand and priced sensibly Secure profitable consignments for auction and direct acquisition through retail, meeting individual revenue targets and help the local and global teams meet annual plan Contribute to the success of the business plan by meeting and exceeding assigned sales goals Develop and implement the agreed auction, retail (including e-Commerce) and storage (including virtual storage) vision for Sotheby's Wine in Europe, collaborating equally with the UK Wine and global Wine management teams Collaborate with internal stakeholders across the wider business as well as the global Sotheby's Wine team to compose, produce and execute interesting, innovative and profitable sale formats and concepts across the Sotheby's sales channels Develop strong and collaborative relationships both within Sotheby's Wine and within the auction house generally Develop, train, manage, incentivise and retain the Continental Europe Wine team in all locations Expertise Sourcing and securing profitable consignments for auction and direct selling opportunities through retail, meeting individual revenue targets and helping the team meet annual budget targets Secure profitable consignments for auction and direct selling opportunities through retail, meeting individual revenue targets and help the local and global teams meet annual plan Setting an example of scholarship providing expertise, researching and cataloguing wines to the highest standard Perform property inspection for wine at Sotheby's Wine warehouses and on-site at client's premises Proofing digital catalogues and listings Valuing property to provide auction/retail/fair market/insurance estimates as required by the client Assisting with inspection and research/cataloguing of wines for sale in New York and Hong Kong when required Specialist in fine wine and the Global wine market. Management experience in the fine wine businessProven ability to operate in a start-up or similar environment, providing dynamic, strategic leadership combined with hands-on operational driveCapable of identifying obstacles to growth and success, and translating expertise into resultsProven manager, inspirational and dynamic leader, with experience of global teamsCommit to uphold ethical standards at the highest level, consistent with Sotheby's reputation.Understand and demonstrate a "no compromise" attitude towards luxury: protecting the Sotheby's Wine vision and brand equity while achieving short term sales goalsExperience in developing HNW and trade network and converting relationships into revenueStrong ability to network and convert social connections into business opportunities, professional, discreet and commercial client service skillsProficient in MS Word, Excel and SAP preferred
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Head of Auction Sales
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