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Contenu de l'offre ACCOUNT MANAGER - ENTERPRISE B2B chez Supermood

Paris (75)


We have a solid client base that loves their Supermood experience, it will be your job to maintain and enhance their attachment to our solution.

You’ll join the Customer Experience team, working closely with Customer Support, Culture Strategy, and the Product teams. Our goal: get our clients to better understand what is happening in their company to act on it.

As an Enterprise Account Manager, your job will be to manage your client portfolio as a rockstar! You will ensure the best customer journey from onboarding to renewal by pushing your clients to achieve their goal.

Your missions

Manage an Enterprise portfolio (~40 clients) by meeting their needs and enhancing their Supermood experience Ensure customer satisfaction and create Supermood advocates Advise your clients on how to reach their goals Retain your clients and look out for new sales opportunities Master our product so you can drive your clients’ product usage Record any client feedback to share it with the Product Team Challenge and propose new ideas to the Customer Experience Team

Some cool stuffs you will be working on

Build a referral & cross sell program Deploy the Supermood solution on a huge number of employees Change the worklife of thousands of employees Create new materials dedicated to Enterprise clients to push their adoption

Your success metrics
We are driven by the impact we have so you will be looking at a couple of metrics to measure it:

NPS on your portfolio Retention rate on your client Upsell & cross sell revenue Onboarding time


What we think is a SuperFit

You already have a 2-3 year experience in a big company or B2B SaaS start up You are as organised as Hermione Granger You are great at building strong and confident relationships You know how to spot sales opportunities and close them Your communication is crystal clear You are passionate about our mission You have your own character and are not ashamed to show it!

What makes us say “Wow”

You are a doer more than a thinker You have implemented SaaS solution in big companies You know how big companies work You have read a couple of books about the Future of Work You have used Hubspot in the past


Send your CV + a motivation letter 20min call to check if there is a match 1h interview with the Head of Customer Experience Case study : analyse the data of one of our client and present us your conclusions 30min interview with the CEO A coffee with the Customer Experience Team Welcome to Supermood!


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 02 February 2020 Location: Paris, France (75002) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience: > 2 years Occasional remote authorized
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