Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

Commercial Terrain, Field Sales, Nice

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Contenu de l'offre Commercial Terrain, Field Sales, Nice chez Uber

Commercial Terrain, Field Sales, Nice

About the Role

As a Field Sales Representative, you’ll have the opportunity to build strong relationships with France’s best independent restaurants as well as chains and to have a big impact on the restaurant selection on Uber Eats. We are looking for someone who is ready to hit the ground running and knows where the best eateries are, is passionate about food and enjoys negotiating to build the best partnership. Your primary focus will be bringing on new top restaurants and leverage your pitching, negotiating and driving internal processes to set up our clients for success.

What you’ll do:

Close deals with Restaurant Partners in your market by owning the entire end-to-end sales process.
Manage contract negotiations aimed at establishing the foundation of a strong working relationship with our restaurant partners, including sustainable economics for both parties.
Clearly communicate the value of Uber Eats and its newest products and projects.
Help craft and redesign processes to ensure Uber Eats can move quickly and succeed at large scale.
Own the restaurant selection in your area.

What You'll Need:

1 year experience in an inside and / or field sales position ideally for a high growth company, (Technology, FMCG, or Hospitality industry) or client facing position.
Fluent in both French and English
Experience in sourcing, negotiating and driving contracts to closure.
Confidence in building great relationships with partners & ability to win new business over the phone
Relentlessly driven, self-motivated and goal-oriented
A people person, you love talking to people and getting them excited
Ability to stay poised and organised in a fast-paced work environment
You know Nice and its areas

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Commercial Terrain, Field Sales, Nice
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