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EMEA Sales Analyst Ecommerce M/F

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Contenu de l'offre EMEA Sales Analyst Ecommerce M/F chez Ubisoft

Paris (75) Job Description

As part of its growth, the E-Commerce EMEA team is looking for an E-Commerce Sales Specialist who will report directly to the Sales Manager.

You are responsible for the commercial activity of the Ubisoft Store (Web & Uplay). In charge of a defined portfolio of franchises, you are the expert and are responsible for the products sold on our Store as well as their lifecycle. You also support many of our subsidiaries in their growing local e-commerce business.

Based on this expertise, you build the commercial highlights and the promotional activity. You set the business objectives of these highlights. Finally, you analyse sales results daily and draw concrete lessons for the future.


1. Definition of business objectives & Analysis of sales results

Building on defined financial goals, creating weekly business goals and for each high point Daily monitoring of sales results Analysis and realization of complete balance sheets on the completion of our weekly and monthly objectives for our main highlights (E3, Black Friday ...) and our launches

2. Creation of the commercial activity necessary to achieve the sales objectives

Construction of an annual business plan incorporating pre-orders, new releases and back catalog Construction and animation of weekly and exceptional promotional highlights (E3, Black Friday, Spring Sales, Lunar Sales) In collaboration with the Marketing team (UX & Acquisition), ensure the visibility of these highlights according to the objectives

3. Responsible for the E-Commerce offer on a portfolio of franchises

Co-definition and follow-up of Ubisoft Store's offer on your franchises (PC Digital, Editions, Derivatives, Collectors, virtual money, bundles ...) and the content of these offers (pre-order bonus, content of premium editions ... ) Follow the lifecycles of the games, from the announcement to the exit and the post-launch animations. Relay these events in the E-Commerce activity Point of contact of the internal teams to ensure the good information and highlighting of content on Ubisoft Store: Uplay PC, Trade Marketing, Digital Sales, Consumer Products ...

4. Monitoring and support of subsidiaries in their E-Commerce business activity

Know and understand the local specificities of each of our subsidiaries: characteristics of the video game market, local currency and fluctuation monitoring, local highlights, local payment methods ... In collaboration with our EMEA Coordination Manager, ensure weekly monitoring of subsidiaries' business activities and the achievement of their business objectives Accompaniment and validation of local operations, ensuring the sharing of expertise and coherence of the offer at the EMEA level

You hold a master’s degree and a first experience in E-commerce. You are very interested in video games and know the PC market very well.

Autonomous, you like to evolve in a changing and dynamic environment. Your relational skills allow you to be a point of reference and to accompany others.

Your analytical abilities are beyond doubt. You like to dig and make the numbers speak. You are therefore logically comfortable with Excel and knowledge of Microstrategy or Tableau is a plus.

You speak English fluently.

Additional Information

Position available immediately.

The position is based in Montreuil Sous Bois (Metro Porte de Montreuil - line 9, or St Mandé - line 1).

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EMEA Sales Analyst Ecommerce M/F
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