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Business Developer & Account Manager Central Europe - Automotive Electronics H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Business Developer & Account Manager Central Europe - Automotive Electronics H/F chez UPTOO

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We are an international company with 20+ years of experience in developing cellular modems and software for automotive market.

As the world's largest 2nd Tier supplier of cellular modems, we provide 4G and 5G modules allowing high connectivity of vehicules within their environment in order to enhance safety, delight drivers and generate additional revenue.

Our organisation was established as an independent company in 2020, when Sierra Wireless divested its automotive product line. We are a two years organization, relying on more than two decades of expertise !

Working for us is aslo joining a multicultural team at a high-growth organisation.

We are hiring a Business Developer & Account Manager Central Europe based in France. Full remote working possible.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?
- Multicultural teams in a high-growth organization.
- A world's leader position.
- International perspectives.
- Strong and ambitious projections in terms of business, according to reliable indicators - 1 billion Euros turnover expected within the next years.
- Attractive compensation and benefits program (>100K€).
- Strong onboarding and training program.

Part of the Sales team and reporting to the Director Central Europe, this position is to secure and develop the business in Central Europe.

European zone is the area to cover, with a strong focus on Germany. Native or bilingual proficiency in German AND English is mandatory.

Here are the main missions :
- Make thorough analysis about the market trends, drivers for the business growth and key actors/partners. Define with all internal stakeholders the sales strategy based on market needs and the company's offerings. Assess business opportunities and set up the priorities given to the good business.
- Capitalise and improve the solid relationships with key existing customers and partners, and develop the new customer base and the eco-system contributing to business growth.
- Advocate the company's leading position in the automotive industry and its smart module approach to create value for customers; engage aggressively with customers and partners in the profitable business.
- Develop, mobilise and coordinate favorably all internal resources to support product development and business engagements. Work closely with the project team (Product Marketing, PLM, Technical support, Quality Assurance...) and drive deliverables and customer satisfaction with the support of the Customer Project Manager (CPM).
- Maintain efficiently the reporting system and keep the action item execution tracker updated and followed up.
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Business Developer & Account Manager Central Europe - Automotive Electronics H/F
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