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eSport Communication Manager, EMEA M/F

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Contenu de l'offre eSport Communication Manager, EMEA M/F chez Ubisoft

Job Description

To accompany eSport activities’ development on its brands, Ubisoft is looking for an eSport Communication Manager.

For this role, the missions will be the following :

Building, implementing and maintaining the EMEA communication and PR strategy in coordination with the Esports Brand Management & Esports Specialist. Build a new expertise with local PR team to ensure effective PR strategy such as new contact, different tone & opportunities. Bring new process to Ubisoft by using sports tone and process. Coordinating with the North American & LATAM PR and community management team to harmonize a worldwide communication strategy. Work closely with Community developer to develop the best communication strategy & tools in line with Esports philosophy Guaranteeing coherence of wording on all sides of the project: PR, marketing, blog posts, etc. Lead the organization of press tours and other press events Coaching of Ubisoft key speakers in preparation of press events Help the Esports manager to animate live competition (need to travel for key competition) Regular reports on PR results for the EMEA zone.

Graduated from a Business School or University, you have 4 years’ experience in communication. You have already demonstrated achievements in a fast-paced international work environment and have proven solid project leadership.

You have a deep knowledge of the video games industry and more precisely of eSport.

You can be extremely rigorous but also creative. You are able to make new proposals and have very good interpersonal skills.

Additional Information

Position available immediately.

This position is based in Montreuil Sous Bois (Métro Porte de Montreuil - line 9, or St Mandé - line 1).

Cpf final 4

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eSport Communication Manager, EMEA M/F
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