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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner chez ACI Worldwide

Fulfill the role of Product Owner for agile teams with a focus on maximizing the business value and quality output of the agile teams. Job responsibilities include: Communicating the product vision to the agile team/s Setting priorities effectively, i.e. prioritizing the backlog, and ensuring that the team understands why the stories are in a specific order to maximize the teams output Elaborating/publishing user story requirements in a timely fashion Clarifying user story requirements/answering team questions quickly and concisely Creating clear, testable acceptance criteria for stories Participating in scrum team meetings (grooming, planning, review, etc.) Helping the agile team/s break stories down into smaller stories that comfortably fit in a sprint and have business value Engaging internal stakeholders and external contacts as needed to provide direction to the team/s Sharing Product expertise with the agile team/s JOB SUMMARY:
Collects and defines Business Requirements and Functional/Non-Functional Specifications enabling ACI to deliver competitive payment solutions. Uses a variety of standard and advanced techniques in the elicitation, analysis, documentation and management of requirements. Inventories requirements in central repository, using key attributes to allow for prioritization and grouping. Expands knowledge of the payments industry, product offerings and applied technology. Ensures quality and timeliness of requirements processes to stay at least one release ahead of the development lifecycle. DIMENSIONS:
Standard work environment
Understand and Adhere to all Corporate Policies to include but not limited to ACI Code of Ethics and Global Information Security. Uses a set of tasks and techniques to work as a liaison among and elicit the needs of stakeholders to define and validate solutions that meet business needs, goals, or objectives. Builds and manages relationships with stakeholders based on an understanding of their influence and needs. Analyzes and synthesizes information elicited from stakeholders, defines and manages the plan to deliver requirements, documents and manages requirements throughout the project life-cycle.
Provides input on feature/function to Product Management in developing the product roadmap. Provides input to Product Marketing Manager on case studies and customer reference implementations.
Continuously develops domain knowledge, depth and breadth, in the payments industry, ACI products, customer base and applied technology.
Perform other duties as assigned. Job Posting Information – Product Owner Uses a set of tasks and techniques to work as a liaison among and elicit the needs of stakeholders to define and validate solutions that meet business needs, goals, or objectives. Builds and manages relationships with stakeholders based on an understanding of their influence and needs. Analyzes and synthesizes information elicited from stakeholders and defines the plan to deliver requirements. Elicit:
Obtains information from stakeholders o Uses tools (paper-based and automated) for gathering input
o Uses Voice-of-Customer (VoC) techniques to uncover latent customer needs
o Meets with Product Managers, Application Development representatives, customers and industry experts to discover product specifications
o Reviews product documentation, industry or regulatory specifications and requirements database to discover product specifications
Conducts elicitation sessions o Conducts field research with clients and targeted users to gather data to determine user stories and functional/non-functional specifications
o Uses targeted and routine approaches for gathering input to user stories and functional/non-functional specifications
o Gathers business requirements from customer-specific engagements
Validates requirements with stakeholders Analyze:
Prioritizes requirementsOrganizes and synthesizes informationUses various analysis and modeling techniquesEnsures requirements meet market and/or business needs Manage:
Prepares requirements documentationPresents requirements in an understandable formatObtains needed approvalsTraces requirements Requirements Planning
Plans business analysis approach based on project complexity, risks, assumptions, dependenciesDefines the plan to deliver requirements, including elicitation, analysis and managementBuilds and manages relationships with stakeholders based on an understanding of their influence and needs Strategy and Product Planning
Plans business analysis approach based on project complexity, risks, assumptions, dependenciesProvides input to Product Marketing Manager on case studies and customer reference implementationsContinuously develops domain knowledge, depth and breadth, in the payments industry, ACI products, customer base and applied technology MINIMUM JOB QUALIFICATIONS:
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Business Administration or equivalent experience.
2+ years in an industry related role such as technical support, product management, product owner or product development with exposure to marketing, or comparable work experience.
Practical experience in all aspects of business analysis and/or product owner role.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Business Administration or equivalent experience.
2+ years in an industry related role such as technical support, product management, product owner or product development with exposure to marketing, or comparable work experience.
Practical experience in all aspects of business analysis and/or product owner role.

Work Locations: IN Pune Marisoft Iii Kalyani Nagar 411014 Job Posting: May 18, 2018, 1:41:42 AM
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