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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Adobe

Position Summary

As a member of the Outbound Product Management team, your primary mission will be focused on customer success and field support.

What you’ll do

Gather information and needs from various sources (Product Marketing, Sales, Pre-Sales, PS, partners and clients) Conduct and formalize requirements and needs according to detailed functional specifications Follow Beta programs Ensure that the product is adopted by our customers and the entire company and manage communication to all relevant departments (training, consulting, presales, etc.) Provide support to the field as part of the sales cycle Be a subject matter expert in your field Provide support to the PS teams in the product implementation Liaise with the Inbound Product Management team to be the voice of the customer and the voice of the field and weigh in on product priorities and roadmap. Make an impact and build a rewarding career with our PM team.

What you need to succeed

You possess a significant professional and/or academic experience in Product Management, and have knowledge of Marketing or related fields (CRM) You have proven past experience and expertise in the field of email marketing You are open, autonomous and an excellent communicator You demonstrate an excellent technical background

At Adobe, you will be immersed in an exceptional work environment that is recognized throughout the world on Best Companies lists . You will also be surrounded by colleagues who are committed to helping each other grow through our unique Check-In approach where ongoing feedback flows freely.

If you’re looking to make an impact, Adobe's the place for you. Discover what our employees are saying about their career experiences on the Adobe Life blog and explore the meaningful benefits we offer.

Adobe is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and encourage diversity in the workplace regardless of race, gender, religion, age , sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status.

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Product Manager
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