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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner (H/F) chez Aduneo

ADUNEO, est un acteur de niche, apportant des services de conseil et d'ingénierie dans l'unique domaine des outils de communication. Ses ingénieurs font bénéficier leurs clients de leurs multiples expériences accumulées auprès des plus grands comptes français.
DataHub is in the center of the IT landscape . Its main purpose is to provide reliable , real time data to any consumer . It is based on an event driven architecture built on the AWS cloud . The datahub foundation is under development , a first use case for 2018 is to implement the SelfBI tool .In 2019 Datahub will play a strategic role in the digital transformation allowing Euler hermes to become a data driven company. For this strategic program we are searching for a Devops Engineer who will setup the automation of the infrastructure . The main key responsibilities are Maintain and evolve the CICD pipeline based on the cloud competence center team recommendation and standard Automation of the platform creation on AWS (IaC) Ensure the availability and implement the monitoring to have a resilient platform Technical incident management and problem management : analyzing and solving with the help of the IT teams involved. Participation to the scrum daily meeting with the datahub team Continuous enhancement of the platform and introducing new features
Good Knowledge on AWS component s like kinesis , serverless, S3 , redshift , dynamoDB etc ... ( At least 3 years experience on AWS projects. AWS certification is a plus) Strong skills on terraform and Devops practices Strong Knowledge on Jenkins , Gitlab and CICD platform Good knowledge of Platforms & Server Systems like Windows, Unix/AIX, Middleware, Databases etc... Overview of Platforms & systems across Databases (UDB/DB2 and Oracle) Good skills of Production monitoring and insure a self monitored platform Good Skills in IT operations domain ( incident management, change management , monitoring tools , etc ....) Good knowledge on network related issues Good knowledge in Python and / or java JEE
Works in a agile environment and have good team spirit Strong experience in EH IT processes and applications . Ability to learn new technical topics Permanently pursuing excellence for better user experience Rigorous, organized and autonomous Ready to act as a pioneer towards other team members Communication and interpersonal skills Fluent in English (written and spoken) Working in international context
Cpf final 4

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Selon une étude menée pour Mitel et OBS, le déploiement d'une Digital Workplace vise avant tout à accroître l'efficacité des...

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Product Owner (H/F)
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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