Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Senior product Manager - Marketing

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Contenu de l'offre Senior product Manager - Marketing chez Affinity Petcare

Rungis (94)

What we offer: autonomy & empowerment

We offer a Senior Brand Manager position within the French Grocery Marketing Team.

The Senior Brand Manager will lead strategic projects to increase market share and brand’s reputation, improve consumer experience and drive company’s growth.

It is a position based in our Paris offices.

Affinity Benefits

Salaire selon profil, véhicule de fonction, intéressement et participation, mutuelle et prévoyance, tickets restaurants

What will you get: a complete Marketing Experience within a young dynamic small team

Define and implement the strategy line in accordance with company strategic plan Create annual marketing plan: New product development, media & communication strategy (TV on air all year long), pricing & promotion strategies in order to boost sales and grow the category. Digital strategy & content development. Digital Media Activation. Lead innovation development projects of the Brand Annual business review to identify local needs and new business opportunities Manage P&L and use financial analyses to drive strategy and decisions for the business Sales Support – Provide selling information and product to sales force to optimize line presentations. Ensure sales force understands the features and benefits to consumers, why the product is better than competition and how it fits into the marketplace Monthly analysis of sales, market share and competitors evolution. Manage the interaction with sales, Trade, supply chain and controlling.

What we are looking for: a talent to leave its footprint

We want to continue to leave our footprint and we want you to be part of it. We want exceptionally talented, bright, and driven people to join us. We believe bonds between pets and people can make the world better. If you would like to help us build this world, this is your chance to leave your footprint by taking a position in our marketing team.

Business School with Marketing or similar Around 5-7 year experience in Marketing Department within a FMCG business English is our main language. Native French is compulsory but other languages such as Italian, Spanish or Portuguese will be highly valued! Digital Marketing Knowledge: experience in defining the digital assets for the brand and establishing the integration within the Brand strategy. Leadership & Energy to implement new projects Empowerment Able to manage stressful situations Influencing & communication skills No need to have a pet (but if you have one this is nice too)
Cpf final 4

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Senior product Manager - Marketing
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