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Product Owner Automation Solutions

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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner Automation Solutions chez Agricool

La Courneuve (93) CDD, CDI


Les pieds sur le béton, les mains dans les plants, la tête dans les nuages : ça y est, il existe une solution pour des produits vraiment sains au coeur des villes. Fini les aliments qui viennent de très (très) loin, les variétés sans saveur et l’utilisation de produits pas clean pour les conserver. La quatrième Révolution Agricole sera urbaine, à deux pas de la maison !

Agricool a une mission : construire le système alimentaire de demain.

Leur solution : allier agronomie et technologie pour transformer des containers maritimes en paradis agricole au coeur des villes. A l’intérieur, ils recréent les conditions idéales de culture pour produire l’équivalent de 4000m2 de pleine terre dans 35m2, ultra-localement.

Où en sont-il ? Aujourd’hui, Agricool produit des fraises à Paris et à Dubaï, avec 0 pesticide, 90% moins d’eau et 100% d’énergies renouvelables. Demain, ils produiront une multitude d’autres cultures, partout dans le monde, même là où ça semble impossible. L’aventure Agricool a démarré en 2015 et ils sont aujourd’hui 80 à construire le système alimentaire de demain. Agricool a déjà levé 40 millions d’euros et est un des piliers européens de la #FoodTech et de l’#AgTech.

Job description

Our grandparents ate better than our parents and better than us. That’s crazy. Agricool turns this trend on its head: we’ll eat better than them all! We’re growing local, tasty and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables for everyone. For the moment, that means tasty and plump strawberries in Paris. Tomorrow, it will be a wide range of delicious fruits and vegetables everywhere on earth.

To achieve our goal, we’ve created a paradise for fruits and vegetables in recycled shipping containers. That means the best lighting, temperature, irrigation, and air quality. In just 35 m2 we can produce the same amount of food as 4000 m2 of traditional farmland. We do it with no pesticides, no transportation, and 100% renewable energy, and we sell our fruits through direct sales and supermarkets.

We started as 2 co-founders in 2015, and are now more than 75 people working everyday to shape a better food system ;-)

Preferred experience

About Farm Automation products
Our farm automation products stand in a multidisciplinary environment, including software development, IoT & electrotechnic design and industrial machinery. The stakeholders of these products are also are varied, ranging from agronomy & engineering expertise to operational teams (Farm support, IT and software operations, etc.). A successful Farm Automation Product Owner will hold accountability for the whole lifecycle of those products: from design to implementation. Beyond plans and codes, they will coordinate all interfaces and resources to build and implement outstanding prototypes and products.

Team & facility
In the “Farm product” division of the Tech department, you will work closely with engineers (electronics/IoT) electro-technicians and software developers. As the interface between business requirements and technical implementation ; you will interact tightly with the management team and technical directors, as well as stakeholders from various teams within Agricool.

You will be managing a passionate and creative team of multidisciplinary engineers who are all result-driven and love prototyping. We have a well-equipped fablab and testbench, a 650m2 workshop with 5 handymen, 1 full-size production unit and 5 cultivation experimental areas for the design/prototype/testing of automation solutions.

Your role
As the owner of the whole Farm Automation product ecosystem, you have 3 missions:
Define and implement product roadmaps

Define product targets aligned with global business interest and operational exploitation needs Interface between cross-functional stakeholders and development teams Develop exploitation / production insights and user experience design to guide product design orientation Unify product development teams around a shared product vision Prioritize product backlog to best achieve goals and missions Oversee development stage and evaluate product progress

Manage product development teams

Unify all teams around the global Agricool missions and our core values Evaluate individual performance and define talent development plans Organize hiring and integration Define, allocate and oversee product development budget

Contribute to the global product vision

Help build a product portfolio vision that bonds technical direction and architecture with business and strategic requirements (eg. business cases) Contribute to “futures narratives” to help different teams project themselves in long term perspectives Author product strategy documents and presentations, and represent your team’s work to senior management and cross-functional partners

Recruitment process

Welcome call (15min) Interview with Technical Directors (Pierre, Jérôme) & Sisi (Head_of) Immersion day with the product design team (1 day) Debriefing (1h)

Meet the Agricool team


Product Owner Automation Solutions

Permanent contract Starting date: November 3, 2019 La Courneuve Telecommuting possible Master's Degree > 3 years

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Product Owner Automation Solutions
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