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Contenu de l'offre Product Line Manager chez Airnov Healthcare Packaging

Product Line Manager

We are a global manufacturing company specialized in technologies for active moisture and oxygen control for a wide variety of healthcare products like pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and diagnostics.

Team spirit is at the heart of our operating methods.

Our values: Commercial & Operational excellence, Innovation & Agility, One Airnov.

We are looking for a Product Line Manager

This position reports to the Head of Sales & Marketing, working closely with the sales & marketing team.

Responsibilities :

Product line strategy definition

Identifies growth opportunities (new business areas, innovations, market share increase, pricing policies) within the product line.

Drive customers workshops to identity/validate market product expectations.

Identifies margin increase opportunities (standardization, innovation) within the product line.

Defines, based on opportunities assessment, the yearly strategy and related business plan for each selected opportunity.

Product line strategy implementation

For each selected opportunity, presents business plans in order to get approval on resources/capex requirements.

Manages as project sponsor or leader each selected opportunity.

Coordinates all GO NO GO decision for any project related to the product line.

Supports the global Sales and KA Managers in managing key customer sales growth/retention projects related to the product line.

Product line marketing & communications and knowledge management

Defines and communicates the product line media plan related to the yearly strategy.

Creates and manages all global marketing and sales communications contents for the product line (brochures, product sheets, graphic materials, Web site and social media content, photography, change control communications)

Manages all knowledge for product line: product attributes, pricing strategies, competitive landscape, operational considerations, market trends, product documentation, regulatory environment, and best sales practices. Gathers, analyzes, and shares all relevant information via training modules/emails to internal stakeholder’s regulatory aspects, market trends, pricing, customer needs and sales strategy.

Supports product line management team for general BD & Marketing or other product line related Topics.

Education And Experience Requirements

Bachelor’s Degree in marketing with advanced degree in science-related field

Minimum 5-7 years of experience and knowledge in the areas of B2B marketing, market evaluation, business development, and/or product management

Demonstrated execution of product introduction, product sales management, project management, marketing plans and product growth strategies

Demonstrated ability to manage teams and work interdepartmentally especially with Sales, Operations and Development & Application

Key Skills, Abilities, And Competencies

Ability to facilitate meetings.

Ability to implement a marketing campaign.

Ability to analyze and monitor marketing actions.

Knowledge of budget management tools.

Mastery of digital acquisition channels.

Ability to travel extensively domestically and internationally.

Strong computer literacy preferred: Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, SAP applications.

Strong understanding of healthcare and pharmaceutical packaging markets

Bilingual preferred

Application notice:

We take your privacy seriously.

When you apply, we shall process your details and pass your application to hiring managers for review for this vacancy only.

As you might expect you may be contacted by email, text or telephone. Your data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in fulfilling the recruitment process.

Please send your application to:

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