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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Analytics chez Algolia

Algolia is hiring an experienced Product Manager to take ownership of the product roadmap of our Analytics and Data related features and tools which today help thousands of developers build great search UX. You will be responsible to define and execute product roadmaps and launches working hand in hand with the Engineering and Design team, defining success and measuring the result of your decisions. This is a unique opportunity for someone who wants to help Algolia enable every engineer and product manager to build consumer-grade search. In addition to being on the cutting edge of a product and industry that is growing at a rapid rate, you’ll be responsible to work with the squads in establishing short- and long-term goals for our Analytics and other Data related squads, by building features and tools based on knowledge collected from customers, prospects, the market & the competition.
You will need to have the relevant data oriented experience and a strong analytical mindset as well as the ability to articulate technical concepts clearly in blog posts or other documentation, as your main users will be software engineers and product managers.
The ideal candidate will combine data and analytics knowledge with customer, market and competitive insights, while having an incredible focus on user experience to build analytic solutions with high engagement and adoption. This requires understanding and driving the data and analytic product areas through collaboration with design, engineering, architects, product marketing, support and solutions engineering. This is a highly visible position working closely with every team in the company.
Coming right from Nicolas, from the Product team : "I see Algolia as the ultimate dream of every Product Manager. Our engineering and design squads (and every other team we work with) are genuinely motivated by the goal of delivering more value to our users and our company. It's the most collaborative and productive environment I've had the chance to work in so far! Everybody is crazy smart, and works by our side to build the right product, for the right people, at the right time".

Your role will consist of:

Engage internal and external stakeholders to research and understand analytic features and product requirements Validate and prioritize analytic features and concepts with customers and end users Provide input and validate product strategy for data and analytic features using customer, competitive, and market insights Define, own and groom feature requests and build thorough business cases Partner with other PMs and teams to prioritize Algolia’s platform & infrastructure roadmap for analytic features Communicate data and analytics features and product roadmap externally to prospects, analysts, customers, and the customer advisory board Build strong relationships with internal stakeholders (product marketing, services, and sales engineers) Collaborate on product launches with product marketing Evangelize the product to ensure market adoption

You might be a fit if you have:

Excellent written and spoken English communication skills. Relevant analytics or reporting experience. Experience writing and explaining technical content regarding search in blog posts, forums, emails, or other channels. Ability to improvise, think creatively, and find simple solutions to solve complex problems.


Experience working with search or search engines. Experience as a data analyst or a PM

We’re looking for someone who can live our values:

GRIT - Problem-solving and perseverance capability in an ever-changing and growing environment TRUST - Willingness to trust our co-workers and to take ownership CANDOR - Ability to receive and give constructive feedback CARE - Genuine care about other team members, our clients and the decisions we make in the company HUMILITY- Aptitude for learning from others, putting ego aside.


Private Medical Insurance Life and Disability Insurance Business Travel Insurance Relocation support Company Canteen (high standard) Flexible work hours and unlimited time off


Competitive pay and equity Your choice of computer, phone, keyboard, headphones, you name it. Everything you need to be efficient Coaching and sponsorship to participate and speak at leading industry conferences Ongoing professional education opportunities through internal & external workshops, including public speaking, language learning (English/French) Fun: we spend time together — team building, socializing and making tools that encourage getting to know teammates across offices and continents. Charitable contribution matching Unique referral rewards program: refer a candidate, and we’ll donate to your charity of choice Corporate flats available for the first months of relocation and when you travel to different offices Fully stocked kitchens Team workouts Meals & happy hours
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Product Manager - Analytics
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