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Contenu de l'offre Cost Product Manager chez ALSTOM

The future of transportation is already here.
Alstom, with recorded sales of 7.3 billion in the 2016/17 fiscal year, is the world leader in integrated transport systems and continues to push the boundaries of innovation & digital solutions for transportation systems and e-mobility. We are today at the forefront of providing sustainable modes of transport, with the largest range of rail solutions in the market. Headquartered in France and present in over 60 countries, we employ 32,800 people worldwide.
For more information, please visit:

Purpose of the Job :

Realize an estimation of the technical cost of the parts and assembly defined by the engineering team. Support the engineering team in the Design to Cost way of working Participate at the creation of the target cost. Support sourcing team in the negotiation with the suppliers.

Part of the Design to Cost team, hierarchically reporting to the Cost Manager Metallic, your missions will be:

Apply or develop a methodology to calculate the technical cost of a component along the product development cycle (from parametric to analytic methodology) Apply or develop cost analysis method on the cost of a component Propose improvements of the design or manufacturing process to reduce the technical cost. Promote the cost culture in the engineering team Provide the cost breakdown of the component to the sourcing team (negotiation support)

Performance measurement

Cost avoidance / Savings P&L on projects Competitiveness on tenders and R&D programs

You main responsibilities will be:

Based on the Design of the component : Take assumptions about the industrial processes Calculate the technical cost of the component by using the appropriated tool Contribute to the improvement of the cost métier : To be a referent on a process or a family of product Share the feedback coming from the supplier Formalize the saving opportunities

Required skills & competencies :

Overall knowledge of railway industry (norms, certifications,…) Industrial Process knowledge (segmentation of the industrial processes, pros and cons per processes, method time awareness) Knowledge of quality gates (DR, DFQ, RFQ process), engineering tools (DMA/CATIA) Fluent in English Good Entrepreneurship Very good agility and collaboration Self-learning

At Alstom Transport, we offer you the opportunity to unleash your potential and reinvent yourself. As a future employee, you will have a unique opportunity to drive our organization forward, while continuing to build your career and contribute to the expanding growth of the global railway industry. More information about Alstom can be found at:

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